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Nisar Ahmed
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Dr. Mike Czarick, Senior Public Service Associate at University of Georgia, discusses the principles of keeping birds cold during hot weather during the XXII Latin American Poultry Congress, August 2011.
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Dear readers.Ozone treatment of water for Poultry is cost effective, easy and environment friendly, but the major draw back is that it does not have residual disinfection quality. On spot it will disinfect water very fast, but after that when water goes through pipes in sheds it is recontaminated again by bio-film and other factors. This can be tested very easily by taking samples at Ozone treatme ...
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Enteric health and nutrition are intimately related. Poor enteric health can adversely affect food digestion, gut motility, and nutrient absorption by several means. Likewise, poor nutrition and feed quality can either increase a bird's susceptibility to enteric disorders or directly cause them. Often it is difficult to discern the true cause of enteric disorders in poultry, whether it is pathogen ...
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Figure 1. Air speeds in fifteen locations across the cross-section of a 40' X 500' broiler house with market-age birds. Keeping market-age birds cool during hot weather is all about air speed. It’s quite simple. The greater the air speed in a house, the greater the amount of heat removed from the birds, the lower their body temperature, and the better weight gains and feed conversions w ...
Participation in Forum on September 8, 2019
Husam Bakri Assalam O Alykum Sir, I have a question what is droplet size of IB vaccines during Coarse and Fine spray method? Thanks in advance.
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Salam, We are advising the following vaccination program to cover ND , IB and AI sure gumboro is included but the time of Gumboro vaccination deepened on MDA: - Day one Ma5+Clone30 Spray course ND+AI killed at day one. 14-16 days Clone30+IB 4/91 spray. The above vaccination program gave excellent results. We do have emergency vaccination program against IB specially when we get variant IB at ea ...
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Dr. Sjaak de Wit,immunologist and poultry veterinarian at GD Deventer, The Netherlands, speaks about Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) at the International AMEVEA seminar in Peru, 2013.
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Dear Dr.Zeeshan, betaine is natural osmolyte substance. It hold the water inside the cells. Paralelly betaine reduced fat content and increased meat content in broilers. Saudi Arabia poultry farms use betain against heat stress in high doses, till 2 kg/tonn of feed, according to recommendations of Danisco Animal Nutrition/DuPont Biotechnologies. Of course, other methods against heat stress, like s ...
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Our company have around 45 farms through out Pakistan having different climatic condition.We have three major thing in mind. Temperature, humidity, & density of birds according to the age.1-Temperature according to age we can maintain through wind speed, Cooling pads thickness,number of pads according to requirement & flute angle of pas 45x45 or 45x15, water flow on cooling pads.2- High Hu ...
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Brian Fairchild, Professor at the University of Georgia, discussed recent research on temperature, air speed and humidity on poultry housing conditions and ventilation, during IPPE 2017 in Atlanta, USA.
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