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Participation in Forum on September 19, 2016
Hello Shahidul, Which medications do you consider compatible with oral vaccines? Is it true that you recommend antibiotic use with injectable vaccines? Thank you. Regards, Odede
Participation in Forum on September 19, 2016
Vaccine administered through eye or nasal drop finds its way to the gut through the nasal cavity and nasolachrimal ducts. Chlorination thus may interfere with the response to the vaccine. It is best to treat the drinking water with skimmed milk or any suitable binders like Aviblue or Cevamune among others. For injectable vaccines, chlorination of drinking water has no interference.
Participation in Forum on April 27, 2016
Promotion of use of non antibiotic growth promoters should be encouraged to reserve antibiotics only for treatment of diseases to prevent development of resistance in humans. A lot of awareness creation among extension staff, feed millers, policy makers and farmers is requisite for wider adoption of these safe alternatives. Regards, Dr. Odede
Participation in Forum on April 27, 2016
Salinomycin as a ionophore with antibacterial and anticoccidial effects on some gram positive bacteria and a growth promoting effect on chickens. "In 2009, Gupta et al. (1) announced in the journal Cell that salinomycin (Figure 1), one of the antibiotics currently used in veterinary medicine, is a 100 times more effective killer of breast cancer stem-like cells than Taxol (paclitaxel) (Bristol-Mye ...
Participation in Forum on April 23, 2016
Hello Aditya, There is a growing demand for non antibiotic growth promoters as consumers are becoming increasingly aware and cautious of residues in food. This work was done at the University of Nairobi in Kenya being my Msc project in Animal nutrition and feed science. Kenya has over 38million chicken with 20% being commercially reared. The feed milling industry is widely expanding with the incre ...
Participation in Forum on April 22, 2016
This article was share with me by a colleague when I was preparing for my MSC and I found it interesting. It is not my original work. The author did a great job that we all can learn from. My work touches on replacing antibiotics in poultry management by use of organic acids and will be published soon.
Article published the April 20, 2016
Chicks are still in the HatcherMother hen does not exist in modern poultry business.  Mother hen under her ‘brood’ keeps her babies away from extreme weather conditions and from predators. She is conveniently replaced by equipment for source of warmth, shelter, ventilation, light all provided artificially by men or women of wisdom! The baby chicks are confined to a specific area. ...
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forum 10
Article published the March 29, 2016
This study was done to investigate the viability of using organic acids as alternative replacement to antibiotics as in feed growth promoters and for use in managing broiler chickens in poultry farms around Nairobi in Kenya. The first part of this study was a survey and second part consisted of two feeding  trials. The survey was conducted in the environs of Nairobi to determine the extent of ...
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forum 24
Participation in Forum on March 28, 2016
Hello Dr. Horacio, would kindly share the contacts of the manufacturers of the day old oral SE vaccine? How cross protective is the vaccine? How long is the immunity? Thank you. Regards, Dr. Odede R.O.
Participation in Forum on March 26, 2016
In addition to the above measures, acidification of drinking water and feed supplemented with probiotics and or yeast metabolites from day one is helpful in ensuring effective competitive exclusion. In East Africa region, most farmers practice multi age rearing in at times wooden storey structures. This compromises thorough cleaning and disinfection. With optimization of cleaning and disinfection ...
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Forums(11)
Location:Nairobi, Nairobi Area, Kenya
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Animal Nutritionist
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