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Using Dry Extruded Whole Soybeans (“Extruded Full-Fat”) in Formulations

Published: August 17, 2017
By: Dave Albin, PhD / Director, Nutrition & Extrusion Technologies at Insta-Pro.
For several decades, Insta-Pro International has been well known around the world for dry extrusion, which we invented in the 1960’s.Dry extrusion was invented to process soybeans, and over the years, this process has been well researched. The advantages of this technique are the following:
  • Thorough plant cell wall rupture, providing much improved access to nutrients
  • Deactivation of naturally-present antinutritional factors, which hinder animal performance
  • Improved nutrient digestibilities as measured by animal studies
  • A high-temperature, short-time process that is easily controlled and does not destroy proteins
  • Partial dehydration, resulting in less moisture content and a more concentrated form of nutrients
  • A single ingredient bringing both highly-digestible amino acids and a high energy content to consume a sizable portion of many formulations
Using Dry Extruded Whole Soybeans (“Extruded Full-Fat”) in Formulations - Image 1
All of these are critically important; however, it is this last point that often goes unappreciated. Keep in mind that what we’ve done here is, following cleaning and cracking, high-shear dry extrude soybeans, and then cool them. All of the oil remains in the meal to provide energy for the animals.
This is powerful because this is a process that we can easily control. This means fewer surprises when formulations include this ingredient.
I recently sent some dry extruded whole soybeans to the laboratory for determination of amino acid digestibilities and metabolizable energy using live birds. Nutritionists and formulators rely on these values when putting diets together. Values for samples of commodity, solvent-extracted soybean meal, which were recently analyzed, are shown for comparison.
Using Dry Extruded Whole Soybeans (“Extruded Full-Fat”) in Formulations - Image 2 
We can see a few things right away. Dry extruded whole soybeans, with all of the oil still in the meal, have a lower total protein content. Despite having a slightly higher overall amino acid digestibility value (all averaged together), the amino acid supply from dry extruded whole soybeans will always be lower than other partially- or fully-deoiled soy meals, like solvent-extracted.
The major difference then shows up when looking at energy values. Energy is required to maximize production, and is abundant in dry extruded soybeans from all of the oil remaining in the meal – not to mention from effects due to the process itself.
Impact to Diet Formulations
I put together some estimations for a colleague in another part of the world regarding how to think about using dry extruded whole soy in an example broiler formulation.
Dry extruded soy meal adds $51 per metric ton to a formulation over the cost of solvent-extracted soybean meal. But, you have to look at the entire formulation, and when this is done, it’s actually cheaper per metric ton (other expensive ingredients can be removed) to have a complete diet based on dry extruded whole soybeans – in this case, every situation is different.
The main challenge with using dry extruded whole soy is the high available energy level, which can limit its use before adequate amino acids (in protein) are supplied. In a future blog, I will discuss how oil removal with an Insta-Pro press, which results in dry extruded/pressed (ExPress®) soy meal, allows for a greater inclusion level of soy meal in many formulations, and the generation of high-value, crude soy oil (non-solvent), which is another product to sell.
This article was originally published in the blog section of the Insta-Pro International website.
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Dave Albin
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Sushil Chandra
14 de julio de 2020
Dear Dr Balugun I feel one has to look into cost factor 25% and above full fat soya in broiler diet is is an costly affair U can still get 1.6 FCR at lower rate of inclusion of full fat may be around 5% Pl check ur lysine , methionine , available P and protein and oil % and salt % in the feed If u can provide me ur formulation , may be u can cut down on cost Are u able to maintain brooder house and brooder temperatures as per standard? If u are able to get DOC 40g + and get over 400 g in 14 days then no body can stop u gettingFCR of 1.6 or less Birds shouldn’t be comfortable in eating feed and drinking water .This will minimize feed and water wastages All the best Regards Dr S Chandra
Sushil Chandra
8 de julio de 2020
Dear sir What % of Full fat level u are using in different broiler rations and what FCR u are getting at 35 days with what body wt Here full fat soya is being used in broiler ration from 3 to 5% because of the cost factor One is concerned with broiler performance during entire year 3%, 4% and 5% of full fat soya we recommend in pre str, str and finisher Feed with an initial objective have 400+ gm body wt on 14 Th day Regards Dr chandra
Royce Samford
7 de junio de 2020
We have a large number of "extruders" available on a world-wide basis. Many of these were developed for a specific use/product and will not work to provide products drastically different from the original purpose. That does not mean the extruder described is not acceptable for its intended purpose but was simply not designed to do a different process. I agree with Dr. Albin that the conditions described are not really satisfactory for providing the high quality extruded soy product desired.
Royce Samford
7 de junio de 2019

Basically, the use of various ingredients to supply the most cost-efficient supply of nutrients to meet the requirements of the animal being fed is the goal of ration formulation. There are few magic ingredients. Also, there is no single processing system that always provides the best ingredient. As some of the discussions indicate, full fat soy often meets energy requirements before balancing AA needs. However, when you look at using synthetic AA to complete the ration formulation, we can often use a wide array of ingredients in successful, economic ration formulations. With the supply and cost of ingredients changing constantly, ration formulation becomes an ever-changing process that requires the nutritionist, feed supplier and animal producer to constantly evaluate ration formulation. Nutrition remains an art as much as a science!

Enrique Diaz
Anderson International Corp
4 de septiembre de 2017

Extruded cottonseed meal is also a great ingredient for animal feed, however, it is very important to know how the cottonseed is processed to get the oil out from the seed.

Whole white cottonseed (with lint and hulls) is a very hard application on the oilseed industry, the best way to process this seed is to remove the lint by using delinters and dehull the seed by using dehullers, then you process only the meats from the cottonseed, by doing this the oil content in the seed increases from 18% to 30-31%.

Temperature on the dry extruder is very important to deactivate gossypol which has limitations or restrictions on the inclusion on animal feeds due to toxicity.


Royce Samford
23 de agosto de 2017
I am also using dry extruded cottonseed as well as extruded soybeans. Do you have similar information for the nutrient characteristics of the Ext CSM. Do you see any drop in the anti-nutritional characteristics of the extruded cottonseed?
Oyewole Qoyyum
15 de noviembre de 2020
Single screw dry type extruder machine working principle for all Formulation and temperature needed for 100% floating for fish
Muabecho idrisu
7 de septiembre de 2020

Yes sir, I would like to join the discussion.

Balogun Adeniyi
CHI Farms Limited
CHI Farms Limited
10 de junio de 2020

Dry extruded whole soybeans known as Full fat soya has good amino acids profile. it can be used at 25-35% inclusion rate in commercial broilers. Birds utilize the full fat soya and express it in the overall performance because of the digestibility. Cost of feed will be reduced due to the high energy content of full fat soya and presence of the oil will reduce the dustiness of the feed in mash form.Combination of the high energy and digestible protein content of the extruded Full-fat soy makes it efficient.

14 de abril de 2020

Can extruded full fat soya or extruded expelled soyabean meal, be a source of bypass fat and bypass protein?

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