Amino acids, feedstuffs quality and formulation: Interview with Guoyao Wu (Texas A&M)
Published:April 3, 2023
Q: Can you tell us how you arrived at the proposed optimal ratios and amounts of true digestible AAs in diets that you have developed in your research? A: Results of studies by my group have established the concept that animals have dietary requirements for not only so-called “nutritionally essential” amino acids (EAAs) but also so-called “nutritionally nonessential&rdqu...
Let's have discussions about this interesting topic on amino acids, feedstuff quality, and diet formulation for animals, including poultry and swine. Livestock, poultry, and fish have dynamic requirements for dietary nutrients. Therefore, adequate knowledge about principles of animal nutrition is essential for improving the growth and production performance, feed efficiency, as well as the health and well-being of all animals. Thank you!
Congratulations for your interesting articles and comments on the subject. Could you comment on the estimates of amino acid requirements in poultry based on the Broken line quadratic model vs the Broken line linear model? Thanks.
This is a great topic. There are important things going on with NEAA that are not well understood. Part of the challenge is analytical - a typical hydrolysis for AA analysis converts glutamine into glutamate, giving a single value for two important AA.
This technical issue has now been resolved by using enzymatic analysis. If you are interested in step-by-step procedures, please send me an email, and I would be glad to forward my published article to you. My email address is Thanks!