Benefits of Mitigating Heat Stress in Dairy Cows - Dr. Lance Baumgard, Iowa State University
Published:July 5, 2022
The impact of heat stress on dairy cattle can be devastating to milk and component production. In this webinar, Dr. Baumgard explores the metabolic and endocrine consequences of heat stress in both growing and lactating animals.
Use slick genetics! Cooling from Inside for cows, dry cows, heifers and calves every where at anytime! Cow turns system on, if needed to stabilise body temperature below 39 Celsius! If ist is not needed they sweat less over their shiney oily hide with very short hairs!
Unfortunately the dairy industry and science that get money from the industry ist not interested in, because the slick gene is for free and therefore no body can make money except the farmer!
We should monopolize this natural gen given from nature to make real big money like Bill Gates did! in his business!
Very good and easy to understand lecture. However, can't we find a way to introduce simple air conditioners for cows in cow-sheds? This might be the simpliest way to protect our cows.
Proper methods used on mitigating heat stress can positivity improve cow physical measures which are directly linked to production. Hence, production measures such as DMI, milk yield and milk components are greatly improved. This in turn increases productivity of the cow.