The aim of this research work was to investigate the influence of fish oil supplementation on the concentration of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega 6 and 3 in samples of buffalo milk. A total of 24 female buffaloes separated at random into three groups were fed for 49 days with: natural pasture (group I), supplemented with 70mL of fish oil (group II) and 140mL of fish oil (group III). In the experiment the concentration of CLA showed differences (P<0.05) among the three groups, with a maximum of 7.14mg/g fat in group II. No significant differences were found in omega-6 among the three groups. The highest value of 3.82mg/g fat corresponded to group I, whicht had not been supplemented with fish oil. Significant differences were observed in omega 3 (P<0.05) in groups II and III with respect to group I. The highest average value of 2.42mg/g fat was obtained in group III. The closest relationship omega 6/3 (1.37:1) was observed in group III. As a result, the diets of groups II and III, which included fish oil, increased significantly the content of CLA and omega 3 with reductions in levels of omega 6.
Keywords: Bubalus bubalis, milk, CLA, Omega 6 and 3, fish oil
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What dose of flaked flaxseed could replicate 70mL of fish oil? I would like to think the fish oil contributed to fertility and overall health on the way thru the buffalo small intestine as well as the overall human health attributes?
Very interesting!
The results of this interesting work on the effects of changing the ration constituents through including fish oil in the ration on the milk fat composition (Conjugated linolenic acid, Omega 6 and 3 ) seem so important as far as the health benefits of such good fats are concerned. Nevertheless, it would be more valuable and reliable to increase the experimental units in the future researchers on the same and similar objectives. Thank you. Dr. Khazel (MSc, Diploma, Ph.D. -Animal Breeding).