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Impact of heat stress on poultry: How to reduce the impact on birds and prevent losses of performances during the summer period?

Published: July 21, 2015
Half of the birds reared worldwide are estimated to suffer from the consequences of heat stress during the summer period. The first visible sign is an increase in the water: feed ratio, however recent research has also shown that excessively hot conditions have an impact on the gut structure and its permeability. Reduced feed consumption and decreased intestinal integrity and function result in t...
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Jennifer Maurin
Trouw Nutrition
Philippe Joly
15 de agosto de 2015
Insteresting experiment showing that performances are improved with your product at p= 0.1 or 0.07. Question: what is the effect of your product at more realistic temperature? On the field I never seen a change from 21°C to 35°C in few hours for 14 days. I want to say that I have travelled and visiting farms in a lot of hot countries.
Jennifer Maurin
Trouw Nutrition
17 de agosto de 2015
Dear Philippe, Thank you for this question and your interest. This application is not the main positionning of the product. An increase of temperature from 21 to 35 °c is called a "model" in order to mimick highly challenging situation due to heat stress. This product XTRACT is a natural growth promoter which works first under normal climatic conditions. The product consistently (with P value : 0.001) improves BWG, reduces FCR and improves carcass weight and quality. This product is now reaching the final step of an EFSA approval as "zootechnical additive". In that process, an external panel of scientists evaluated our performance and concluded on its efficacy. It will be the first 100% plant extract product to be upgraded to that category, where up to day only acidifiers, enzymes and pre/probiotics were accepted. The heat stress situation is only intensifying the difference between treatments. Most of our clients are using this additive all along the year. I remain at your disposal for more information, best regards
Tahir Naseem
17 de agosto de 2015
First of all, Thanks for such an informative material about heat stress. But you have concentrated only on Leaky gut Syndrome, due to mucosa eruption due to lack of blood supply. While the birds are also suffering from metabolic acidosis, due to potassium loss and respiratory alkalosis , due to excessive CO2. loss during panting and energy deficiency due to excessive exercise of panting and also stress and lmmunosuppression due to excessive ACTH production. What about these aspects while using "extract" and Please mention major ingredients of EXTRACT. THANKS
M.Masood anwar
13 de mayo de 2019

Dear Dr. Tahir Naseem the composition of Pancosma Xtract is

Capsicum oleoresin 2 %
Carvacrol 5%
Cinnamaldehyde 3 %
Hydrogenated rapeseed oil 90 %

With Following Mode of Actions
- Stimulates the pepsinogen secretion in the proventriculus
- As a vasodilator it reduces heat stress
- Due to Cinnamaldehyde’s inherent intracellular antioxidant activity, it protects the microvilli from
free radical actions
- Increases microvilli length ? favours nutrient absorption
- Favours the development of cellulolitic and Lactobacilli flora in the ceacum
- Increased production of volatile fatty acids, especially butyric acid ? inhibitory effect on pathogenic flora, favours the development of beneficial bacteria.

Mohammed alhajj
12 de septiembre de 2015
This is interesting subject but you didn't talk about intestinal integrity and how you evaluated it in your experiment
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