Orffa Excentials
18 de julio de 2017
Dear colleagues,
Thanks for the interesting update.
I will be giving a presentation on Sustainable Nutrition for Milk and Meat in Colombia, next 12nd of September in the "Foro Internacional Ganadero": http://www.expoagrofuturo.com/es/actividades/academico/foro-internacional-ganadero.
I will discuss methane emissions from cattle and the role of fatty acids as abatement tool /strategy.
In case you attend, please let me know, I will be happy to see you there and discuss.
18 de julio de 2017
Hi Alfredo,
Thanks for the invitation but sorry I will not be attending the conference. Wish you well in your delivery of the paper. I may request you send me a copy after the presentation.
My only comment would be, for nutritionists and farmers to reconsider production of high fat milk at the expense of cow health and fertility. It is all about energy balancing in support of cow productivity.
8 de agosto de 2020
A commanding paper to attract awareness world-wide