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High BCS milking cows

Published: April 9, 2010
By: Hassan
Dear All What are the best practice to handle high BCS milking cows.?
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Hassan Subhani
Sweetwater International, Inc.
18 de mayo de 2010
First you should define if the high cell count is caused by enviromental factors, and if so look at correcting or altering the cow enviroment. If it not caused by enviromental factors then you will need to look at health and nutrition and treat them accordingly. There is no one cure to lower BSSC but you will need a holistic approach to the problem and work on one factor at a time
Hilmar Gerhardt
18 de mayo de 2010
I think we have to speak about the problems caused by a high BCS gained in the late lactation. In most of the cases fertility problems due to a long time of negative energy balance in high lactation forced this effect. Preparing the next lactation means to start in the dry periode with a strategy to keep the actual BCS constant till calving. To reduce the BCS in the dry periode doesnt help. In the lactation you have to increase the protein level of the ratio by 2-3 [percent] near 20 [percent]. To use coated cholin is helpful as well as looking for the negative impact of endotoxins and mycotoxins. Dry alfalfa hay helps to support rumen function. I hope I could give you some ideas in handeling this cows
Yusuf Ziya Cakir
19 de mayo de 2010
High body condition score generally occurs in mid lactation and late lactation period in cows because of higher energy and protein intake of cows than their needs for maintenance and milk production. Normally in dairy herds early, mid and late lactation cows should be kept in different groups and feed accordingly. but in small and mid size herds sometimes people keep all these groups in one barn feed them according to average milk yield. Farms like this you can see high and low body condition score cows together. In order to prevent high body condition score you should evaluate your lactating cows in monthly basis and group and feed them according to milk yield and other meintenance and pregnancy conditions.
Dr.S. Mathan Kumar
3 de julio de 2010
Hi all, Why one would lead to a situation in the herd mangement to handle high BCS cows, i do agree the lowprodusers which were there in the milking string for a longer time just because the might have become pregnant lately and are continuing in thed milking string for more longer time, These cows are to identified and as a group the should be dried off what you can call as LOW PRODN DRY OFF, to put them forage diet to mange their BCS, instead to gain over BCS.
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