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Participation in Forum on September 29, 2014
What about Alfalfa and the digestability of leguminoses? Do you have experience in this area? I think we have less information in the field of heat production in digestion. Thanks for this article
Participation in Forum on April 8, 2011
Hi Carlos Nice Presentation. But I think that the ruminants especially the dairy cows are in trouble with mycotoxins FUM,T2,Don....In the last years we see in Germany 10-15 mg per head and day by this 3 mycotoxins in average. The lifetime performance is actually very poor by 2.2 lactations and hardly 19000 kg milk in lifetime. And in the end of the day the liver of culling cows is adipose. I thi ...
Article published the August 26, 2010
From the toxicological and economical point of view, five mycotoxin groups are currently significant worldwide. These are aflatoxins and ochratoxin A, produced mainly in storage conditions by Aspergillus and Penicillium fungi, and trichothecenes, zearalenone, and fumonisins produced by Fusarium species, contaminating cereals in the fields. Depending on dosage and exposition time to mycotoxins, ani ...
remove_red_eye 1179
forum 6
Participation in Forum on June 28, 2010
Dear all I have done a lot of field trials in high yielding dairies and the situation is actually in Germany 2.2 lactations....19 500 kg life yield per cow....more or less the heifer growing periode is longer than the production periode in milk...The main reason is the toxic pressure in the liver. All the efforts in cow comfort are forcing the milk yield...but not fertility. In the trials we have ...
Participation in Forum on May 18, 2010
I think we have to speak about the problems caused by a high BCS gained in the late lactation. In most of the cases fertility problems due to a long time of negative energy balance in high lactation forced this effect. Preparing the next lactation means to start in the dry periode with a strategy to keep the actual BCS constant till calving. To reduce the BCS in the dry periode doesnt help. In the ...
Photo posted on March 17, 2010
On the album: Various
Video published on March 12, 2010
Hilmar Gerhardt from Biomin was present at Dairy Focus Asia 2010 and gave a lecture about the effects of mycotoxins in dairy.
This member gave a presentation on March 2, 2010
At the following event:
Dairy Focus Asia 2010
He attended the event:
3/1/2010 - Thailand
Participation in Forum on February 25, 2010
really a main topic in cow feeding. One aspect will be the change from late lactation to dry periode. At the same time the Ration changed,-the leave out the milking process and at least move in another cow group. I think it to much at the same time. My recommendations are to change the ratio one week before start in dry periode.The feed intake at the first days in dry periode will be higher and th ...
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Videos(1)Forums(6)
Location:Wolfhagen, Hessen, Germany
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Animal Nutritionist
Followers (46)