BST has been used extensively in dairy cows in Mexico for over 19 years with very good results from the milk production standpoint and no adverse effect whatsoever on humans, cows or calves. Its use has been very possitive for the dairy industry as a tool to increase productivity and to make business more profitable.
BST use in animals prohibited in europe. it causes hormonal inbalance in human body when it consumed in certain level in a long term. it also causes rapid growth in beef cattle thus give ways to premature carcasses
Sana Ahmad
18 de diciembre de 2009
I have used BST in our dairy in Pakistan and have found the following resulte:
1.The BST ,after injecting,shows its affects 2-3 days later.
2.There is sudden increase in the Milk Production that lasts for 12-14 days and then a sudden .
3.We need to re-inject BST on every 14th day if we want to raise our milk production.
4.BST increases the Milk Production by maximising the nutrients availability to the blood and ultimately to the udder.
But I think we shouldnt inject it because somehow it will affect the Cows health in late lactation.
Syed Hasan Raza
19 de enero de 2010
Yes rBST has both effects Good and bad.
Its use depends upon the certain factors viz. stage of lactation, number of lactation and aninal health and feeding.
feeding is very important when you are using rBST. Cause it diverts more nutrient towards milk production. if feeding is not good and nutrients supply is limited or short, the body reserves will be used and animal will become bonny and its future production and reproduction will be affected.
The practical example of its abuse can be seen in cattle colonies, Karachi, Hyderabad or where ever commercial mil k colonies are. In every such place you will find two things 1- rBST 2- Oxytocine
The unavailability of good dairy animals indirectly is due to the excessive use of rBST and Oxytocine use. It affects the reproduction cycle adversly and increases length of dry period.
BST has been used at buffalo dairy farms in the peri-urban areas of some parts of Pakistan. The aim of these farmers is to get maximum benifit through increased milk yield. They get misled by either increasing concnentraes feeding which according to our studies, result in overfeeding of crude protein, associated with increased serum urea levels, delayed ovulation and depressed milk yield. Or they use BST like products which may influence the nutriional particioning and leaves none for mainitaining fertility. Maintainance of and increasing body condition is essential for maintaining reproductive cyclicity which may be affected badly by BST like practices. This aspect of the peri-urban buffalo farming needs to be explored extensively under farmers conditions
Prof M S Subhan Qureshi
There are mixed opinions even Dr Sana after enumerating all favorable arguments is reluctant to recommend its usage in her concluding remarks. While agreeing what has already been written by leaned professionals that last year there was an experiment carried out by UVAS,Lahore,Pakistan and it showed that after usage of BST, incidence of MASTITIS was observed MORE in no of animals as compared to the animals kept kept for observation without usage of BST during experiment. The experiment was supervised by Professor Dr Makhdoom Jabbar of UVAS
we see BST work the best where we have excellent feed and ample sunlight.When we supress the immune system we do see steroid release that has a negative effet on the CL for reproduction. it is extremly important to keep the cows immune system at her peak to keep IMIs low. as long as we are harvesting milk correctly, we can eliminate oxytocin and we can minimize mastitis from post fresh and high producing cows keeping herd scc below 150,000 and sick pen less than .01[percent] of total herd.
i have tried BST in crosbred cows . During the expt we found bst @500mg I/m alternate day for 6 weeks There was an increase of 10% . no increase was observed at dosage of 250 &300 mg. overall i would comment under our situation use of bst hormone is not worth to recommend
Please refer to my 2009 comment. Results continue the same for another 5 years in Mexico: increased efficiency and milk producers that use BST regularly and no secundary adverse effects whatsoever in milk consumers and/or cows.
Also consult D.E. Bauman (Cornell University) and R. J. Collier (The University of Arizona) report "An update of rbST - Human safety and animal efficiency and welfare" published in 2014 that covers a comprehensive research of results and suppossed adverse effects in an extensive number of users in the US after 20 years. Increased efficiency, no adverse effects.
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