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Participation in Forum on January 27, 2015
Please refer to my 2009 comment. Results continue the same for another 5 years in Mexico: increased efficiency and milk producers that use BST regularly and no secundary adverse effects whatsoever in milk consumers and/or cows. Also consult D.E. Bauman (Cornell University) and R. J. Collier (The University of Arizona) report "An update of rbST - Human safety and animal efficiency and welfare" publ ...
Participation in Forum on December 16, 2009
BST has been used extensively in dairy cows in Mexico for over 19 years with very good results from the milk production standpoint and no adverse effect whatsoever on humans, cows or calves. Its use has been very possitive for the dairy industry as a tool to increase productivity and to make business more profitable.
This member had joined Engormix
July 16, 2007
equalizer Statistics: Forums(2)
Location:Atzcapotzalco, Mexico, Mexico
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: President