The current experiment was designed to test the effect of crude protein content (19, 25 and 30% C.P.) as well as restricted feeding in biofloc culture on growth performance of monosex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings and clear and biofloc system. The experiment included three treatments with triplicate tanks per treatment. Three normal feeding treatments were adopted in the experiment. Three dietary protein level (19% CP, 25% CP and 30% CP) were used under biofloc system (no water exchange) in comparison with clear system. The experiment lasted for 84 days. The daily ration was 5% of the total stocked biomass divided into two equal amounts and offered two times a day (8.00 and 12.00). Fish in each replicate aquarium was weighed every 15 days and the amount of the daily allowance feed was adjusted accordingly. The C: N ratio was maintained at 15: 1 by daily addition rice bean as an organic source of carbon. For biofloc treatments, rice bran was activated heterotrophic bacteria growth.
Rice bran were dissolved in water at dry feed to molasses ratio of 1:1 on a daily basis in order to develop biofloc and nourish heterotrophic bacteria. Starting with average initial weights of 13.5 to 20.3 grams/fish, Nile tilapia juveniles grew to harvest weight of 310.2 to 342.1 grams/fish. Increasing dietary protein from 30% to 35% within the biofloc treatments did not improve final body weight at harvest. Daily weight gains (0.82 g/fish/day) were slightly improved with the 30% crude protein diet compared to those of the 25% crude protein diet (p0.05). It is recommended to feed Nile tilapia at crude protein level of 30% in order to obtain acceptable growth with economic returns. Nile tilapia reared under the 30% crude protein treatment had better PER ratio (1.96) and lower feed costs (15.11 L.E. /kilogram fish) at lower feeding rate compared to the 25% crude protein treatment.
.Key words: Protein levels- monosex- Nile tilapia-Biofloc system- Growth performance- Feed utilization
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