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Composting of animal Carcasses

Composting of animal carcasses. A safe and environmentally sound approach to take care of animal mortalities

Published: April 27, 2011
By: Anna Catharina B. Berge (Ghent University) and Thomas D. Glanville (Iowa State University)
Animal carcass composting for both routine and emergency management of food animal mortalities is a safe method of carcass disposal.{Berge, 2009 126 /id} It has been used in varying extent, depending on region and regulations, from routine composting of poultry carcasses, composting or road kill, to emergency composting of large animals and animal carcass composting in epidemic disease outbreak situations. There is a growing interest in using on-farm composting for the disposal of animal by-products and mortalities because the practice is relatively simple, effective, environmentally sound, and economical. The finished compost can be land applied and thereby provides an environmentally acceptable means of recycling nutrients and stabilized organic matter to the soil. Proper composting eliminates most pathogens and reduces spore-forming bacteria, prions and other selected pathogen levels. 
The principles and elements of carcass composting.
Carcass composting differs from composting other materials such as manure and green waste and present some unique challenges.  Carcasses are typically composted whole and do not present uniformly chopped substrate for microbial action, nor are these compost piles turned as frequently.  Both of these factors contribute to a non-uniform compost composition at the end of the process.  
Composting is a largely aerobic process in which bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms convert organic material into stable humus. Composting animal carcasses requires precautions to minimize the potential spread of diseases, odors and liquids.  The composting process depends on naturally present microorganisms to digest the organic components in the carcass.  The carbon-based materials in the piles supply energy for the microbes while the carcass tissues and fluids supply nitrogenous materials for microbial protein synthesis. In most composting systems a carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) of  25:1 to 30:1, moisture content of 50-60% and a temperature in the range 43-65°C are considered optimal for supporting the performance of the microorganisms that drive the composting process.{Glanville, 1997 37 /id} The target pH is neutral, although successful composting occurs at pH values between 5.5 to 9.0.{Nakasaki, 1993 108 /id} Regular monitoring of the compost is essential. Temperature monitoring is a key indicator of a properly functioning compost pile 
Heat, water, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and volatile organic compounds are by-products produced in the process.  Most of the digestion at the carcass level is anaerobic, but the liquid and gaseous by-products of the anaerobic process diffuse away from the carcass and into progressively more aerobic layers of the compost envelope where aerobic degradation to carbon dioxide and water takes place. 
The microbial flora responsible for the decomposition of organic matter comprises a complex mix of organisms some of which are able to function and survive at temperatures high enough to kill mammalian and avian pathogens.{Nakasaki, 2005 105 /id} These complex microbial decomposer communities occur naturally in the environment and many of the mesophilic microbes are responsible for the continuous and normal decay of plant and animal tissues at ambient temperatures.
Composting systems are divided into 'open' and 'closed systems'. Open systems include windrows, static piles and bins. Closed, in-vessel systems are far less common and typically are used for small species such as poultry, nursery pigs, etc.
Most mortality composting operations employ naturally ventilated static pile processes. Animal carcass composting piles are typically constructed in layers, starting with a thick absorptive layer of carbonaceous plant material.  Whole carcasses are laid on top of the base and covered with additional absorptive organic material.  Succeeding layers of mortalities are added on a daily basis until the bin is filled, or until an appropriate freestanding pile height is reached.  Bins containing poultry or similar small carcasses may contain many layers. Mature sheep and swine may include two or three layers of carcasses (Figure 1), while mature cattle are usually composted in a single layer with two animals placed back to back (Figure 2).
The success of naturally ventilated static pile composting processes depends on the characteristics and thickness of the materials used to envelope the carcasses.  Water-holding capacity, biodegradability (for heat production), gas permeability (for O2 penetration), and mechanical strength (to prevent compaction and loss of gas permeability) are the most important envelope material parameters. {Glanville, 2006 119 /id;Ahn, 2007 120 /id}   Some common materials include: sawdust, woodchips, ground cornstalks, rice hulls, ground straw, corn silage, straw-manure mixtures, and poultry litter.
Composting times vary depending on the size of the carcasses, ambient temperature and other physiological factors. The estimated number of days for primary composting ranges from 10 days for fowl to 195 days for adult bovines.{Keener, 2007 47 /id} Primary composting is recommended for all carcasses to minimize the spread of infection, and allow for break-down of soft tissue. Following the primary composting period and cooling to 45-48°C the compost can be turned to stimulate the secondary compost heating phase in which bones will be degraded. Secondary composting is performed for an additional period of 10 to 65 days depending on carcass sizes.{Keener, 2000 49 /id}
The microbial risks associated with composting of animal carcasses
Animal carcasses are microbiologically active material that may contain viruses, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, prions, toxins, drug residues and other chemicals.  All of these biologically active materials need to be reduced to a safe level or eliminated to minimize their potential hazard.   Temperatures of 55°C (130°F) for three consecutive days as is achieved in proper composting kill most pathogenic bacteria and parasites and inactivate viruses.
A wide variety of potential microbial pathogens may be found in animal carcasses and the microbial hazards of carcass composting was recently reviewed.{Berge, 2009 6 /id} Most studies indicate that composting will efficiently eliminate viral agents. Bacterial pathogens, unlike viruses and parasites, can survive outside the host organism if composting temperatures are inadequate to destroy these organisms.  An additional concern is the potential for regrowth of micro-organisms that were not completely eliminated if conditions subsequently become favorable. Ova of the parasite Ascaris lumbricoide, are especially resistant to destruction and have therefore been accepted as a benchmark or proxy for microbial destruction achieved by various treatment systems.   Bacterial pathogens potentially found in meat, food scraps, manure, sludge and other organic residuals are destroyed by exposure to the time-temperature regimes obtained in a well managed composting environment. However, the static compost pile coupled with the non-uniform composition of carcass compost presents special conditions that warrant additional research on the potential risks of spore-forming bacteria, materials handling, and the final disposition of the compost product. There have been concerns about prion agents remaining in compost. A recent study of the degradation of prions during composting indicates that there may be degradation in composting, providing further safety to composting.{Huang, 2007 44 /id}. Berge et al. concluded that carcass composting achieves adequate levels of microbial pathogen reduction. Further studies were encouraged to determine the fate of spore-forming bacteria and prion agents in carcass composting.
Carcass composting environmental concerns
In a situation where one method of carcass disposal is evaluated for approval, it is necessary to estimate and compare the risks associated with alternate methods of carcass disposal that are currently approved, such as rendering and incineration. For example, when evaluating risks of on-farm composting, it has to be evaluated to not only rendering, but also with the transport and handling of carcasses to rendering.
The transportation of fallen stock from the premise of origin to a site of further processing or disposal may entail risks for spread of contagious diseases.
Emission of green house gases (GHG) CO2, CH4, and N2O is a consequence of this microbial-driven process of composting and it is dependent on several factors, including moisture content, C/N ratio, aeration method and the type of amendment used {Hao, 2004 128 /id} the A study of adding calf mortalities concluded that even though the emissions of GHG increased when calf mortalities were added to manure during windrow composting, the quantities were relatively small, and the improved the final compost product. An evaluation of GHG gases in composting carcasses in relation to other rendering or carcass disposal practices should be done.
Carcass composting for routine and emergency food animal mortalities is a safe and economical method of carcass disposal. The microbial hazards have been evaluated, and indicates that there viral, bacteriological and parasitical agents are effectively reduced or destroyed. Composting may be a good alternative to other forms of carcass disposal involving transport and rendering while avoiding the hazards and odors associated with. Th resulting product can be used as a fertilizer with high nitrogen content and thereby nutrients are recirculated in the ecosystem.  

Figure 1.
Placement for small carcasses (swine, sheep, calves, poultry) in static pile composting. 
Composting of animal carcasses. A safe and environmentally sound approach to take care of animal mortalities - Image 1
Figure 2. Placement for large carcasses (cattle and horses) in static pile composting.
Composting of animal carcasses. A safe and environmentally sound approach to take care of animal mortalities - Image 2
Ahn, H.K., Richard, T.L., Glanville, T.D., Harmon, J.D., Reynolds, D.L., 2007. Laboratory determination of compst physical parameters for modeling airflow characteristics.
Berge, A.C., Glanville, T.D., Millner, P.D., Klingborg, D.J., 2009. Methods and microbial risks associated with composting of animal carcasses in the United States. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 234, 47-56.
Glanville, T.D., Richard, T.L., Harmon, J.D., Reynolds, D.L., Ahn, H.K., Akinc, S., 2006. Environmental impact and biosecurity of composting for emergency disposal of livestock mortalities. Iowa State University.
Glanville, T.D., Trampel, D.W., 1997. Composting alternative for animal carcass disposal. J Am Vet Med. Assoc 210, 1116-1120.
Hao, X., Chang, C., Larney, F.J., 2004. Carbon, nitrogen balances and greenhouse gas emission during cattle feedlot manure composting. J. Environ. Qual. 33, 37-44.
Huang, H., Spencer, J.L., Soutyrine, A., Guan, J., Rendulich, J., Balachandran, A., 2007. Evidence for degradation of abnormal prion protein in tissues from sheep with scrapie during composting. Can. J Vet Res 71, 34-40.
Keener, H.M., Elwell, D.L., Monnin, M.J., 2000. Procedures and equations for sizing of structures and windrows for composting animal mortalities. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16, 681-692.
Keener, H.M., Foster, S.S., Moeller, S.J., 2007. Ohio's farmstead composting program- a decade of success.
Nakasaki, K., Nag, K., Karita, S., 2005. Microbial succession associated with organic matter decomposition during thermophilic composting of organic waste. Waste Manag. Res. 23, 48-56.
Nakasaki, K., Yagushi, H., Sasaki, Y., Kubota, H., 1993. Effects of pH control on composting of garbage. Waste Manag. Res. 11, 117-125.
This article was originally published in One Health newsletter in 2010. Engormix.com thanks the newsletter and the author for this huge contribution. 
Related topics:
Anna Catharina Berge
Berge Veterinary Consulting
Berge Veterinary Consulting
Dr.  Thomas D. Glanville
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Anna Catharina Berge
Berge Veterinary Consulting
Berge Veterinary Consulting
4 de junio de 2011
Dear Collegues, Tom Glanville, a composting expert in Iowa, and co-author of the paper above wrote: During previous research at Iowa State University on emergency cattle mortality composting, we monitored internal temperatures and decomposition during trials conducted in summer (hot/dry), winter (cold), and spring (warm/wet) conditions. Our findings, both Executive Summary, and Full Report are available on the Emergency Composting website … http://www.abe.iastate.edu/cattlecomposting/ Pile size and the type of envelope material used to surround the carcasses have a significant effect on internal pile temperatures during cold weather. Corn silage, for example, is moist and produces large amounts of heat very quickly and retains it well. At the other end of the performance scale, internal temperatures in piles constructed with ground cornstalks were relatively low because cornstalks—which are initially quite dry—take a long time to generate heat. Cornstalks also have high porosity and gas permeability which allows internal heat to be lost very quickly. In trials initiated during warm summer weather, all soft tissues (not bone) on 450 kg cattle carcasses were degraded within 4-5 months. During trials initiated in early winter, however, soft tissue degradation sometimes took 10-12 months because winters here are 4-5 months long and bacterial activity slows down when temperatures are low.
Anna Catharina Berge
Berge Veterinary Consulting
Berge Veterinary Consulting
2 de junio de 2011
Dear group, I have also contacted my co-author for the climate specific factors, just how much cold weather delays composting procedure etc. Kind regards, Cat.
Anna Catharina Berge
Berge Veterinary Consulting
Berge Veterinary Consulting
31 de mayo de 2011

Dear Engormix readers.
As regards composting of poultry carcasses, this is something that can be performed very efficiently and quickly and it is used in industrial size facilities as well. The poultry carcass with the poultry litter forms an excellent composting situation. I will contact the experts in the field of poultry carcass composting to hear about potential training courses or material. Poultry carcasses may be completely composted in 60 days without having to turn the compost.
Two references that could be of value
Keener, H.M., Elwell, D.L., Monnin, M.J., 2000. Procedures and equations for sizing of structures and windrows for composting animal mortalities. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16, 681-692.
Lawson, M.J., Keeling, A.A., 1999. Production and physical characteristics of composted poultry carcases. Br. Poult Sci 40, 706-708.
Purdue has published a good paper on how to do it
You may also want to contact JP Blake, in Department of Poultry Science, Auburn University, AL 36849 USA, He has a lot of practical experience on poultry carcass composting and has published a review in World Poultry Science Journal (2004), 60: 489-499 Methods and technologies for handling mortality losses. I believe JP Blake may have some educational material.

Salah El Safty
31 de mayo de 2011

I am Dr. Salah ElSafty, Poultry Production Dept. Ain Shams Univ., Egypt. Please I am asking about if I can attend a training course about How to mange and make the composting from animal carcasses, especially from poultry mortalities. I am waiting your reply as soon

Anna Catharina Berge
Berge Veterinary Consulting
Berge Veterinary Consulting
3 de mayo de 2011
Dr Jaydip, A very important question indeed. The cost of composting is highly dependent on the availability of co.compost material. The cost of labour varies depending on region. There are minimal facilities needed and no energy requirements for the comforting procedure. In large scale composting, tractors will be needed. The cost of alternative composting procedures will again vary depending on how far the carcasses need to be transported and the type of rendering that will be used. You could check out the review by A Kalbasi (http://www.redorbit.com/news/science/263634/carcass_composting_for_management_of_farm_mortalities_a_review/) in order to assess equipment and time needs for composting. Kind regards, Anna Catharina
Fabio rincón
3 de agosto de 2024

Good afternoon, could you give me some information on how to compost a pet until the bones also degrade? I live in an area where there is a lot of rice husk, and I would also work with the use of efficient microorganisms and also pre-composted material with pruning material. Thanks.

Olivia Lewis
18 de septiembre de 2016
but how to control the odor?
Dr Jaydip Mulik
2 de junio de 2011
Thanks for updating on the topic. regards, Dr Jaydip
Subodh Kumar
9 de mayo de 2011
Most significant aspect of Carcass composting is that it recycles Phosphate Fertiliser. World experts are fearing the most glaring worldwide shotage of Phosphate Fertilisers. Rocky mountains are the only available source of natural Phosphate resource. And unless bones of dead animals are recycled world shortage of Phsphates can not be met. But one question, how in colder climates the high composting temperatures required for carcass composting can be achieved?
Syed Anjum
Syed Anjum
6 de mayo de 2011

Is there any method in poultry about this composting of poultry carcasses? I am in Pakistan and there are no so many facilities for farmers to do it at high scale. Dr. Anjum

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