Excellent your questioning and reflection. Without monitoring and data analysis, the industry will hardly achieve its goals, whatever the disease.
The result is that, for not being able to reach satisfactory levels of contamination by salmonella in their production, many veterinarians still use - systematically - chemical and antimicrobial products, in the raw material, feed and water, aggressive to the animals, to the environment, without thinking at all about the risks for the final consumer.
Paulo Martins, thank you for your comment, an intensive Salmonella monitoring that includes at the minimum the detection and serotyping is certainly important to understand what type of Salmonella is persisting in poultry environments. We should be more proactive in that sense and not just wait for a regulation to exist to start acting. Governments should promote this as well and reward those companies who make the effort to detect, identify and characterize the pathogen to look for better control interventions.