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Impact of environmental ammonia in the performance of poultry

Published: May 3, 2021
By: Maria Soriano
Air quality control in poultry farms is a fundamental factor to ensure animal welfare, health, and performance.
Some environmental parameters are controlled periodically, like humidity and temperature, although there are others, like environmental ammonia concentration, which do not suppose a deep concern for farmers, and whose related economic losses are always underestimated.
Ammonia: Origin and effects on poultry
Ammonia is a toxic and irritant gas resulting from the microbial decomposition of the nitrogen present in the excreta of the animals. Ammonia decreases the air quality and is easily disseminated in the facility.
Intensive farming conditions favor the accumulation of this gas due to high-density farming, high protein diets and inadequate ventilation.
The irritant effect of ammonia damages the mucous membranes, like the respiratory, digestive, and ocular ones, as well as the skin. Conjunctivitis and pododermatitis may appear.
Severity of the damage in the respiratory tract ranges from paralysis of the cilia to necrosis of the epithelial cells, depending on time of exposure and concentration of the gas. Such negative effect on cilia and mucus production, a defensive barrier of the airways, increases the susceptibility to suffer from respiratory infections.
Thus, ammonia acts as a stressor and affects multiple organs, causing a negative impact on the productive parameters and the profitability of the farm.
Impact of environmental ammonia in the performance of poultry - Image 1
Ammonia and humans
The poultry industry has been constantly growing in South East Asia in the last decades. Despite the fact current regulations are more restrictive on the placement of a farm next to urban centers, it is common that people living in the nearby area can be affected by ammonia emissions.
Farm workers can also be affected by an excessive ammonia accumulation inside the facility. Therefore, the control of ammonia is intended to decrease environmental contamination and protect both the animal and human welfare and health.
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Ammonia: Control in poultry farms
It is mandatory to control environmental ammonia to prevent stress, higher disease susceptibility and the negative effect in feed conversion and growth that this gas causes. At the same time, the management of ammonia emissions is positively acting towards a sustainable animal production and a safe environment for humans.
Preventive measures to reduce environmental ammonia concentration in the farm include: the management of the diet and digestive system, to reduce the amount of ammonia excreted by animals; the management of the cleaning and disinfection of the farm, especially the renewal of litter and elimination of wastages; the assessment of the density of animals, and the control of the temperature and ventilation of the facility, especially in winter, when ventilation is reduced to preserve the indoor temperature and there is less gas exchange with outdoors.
Complementary measures, including the use of feed additives, such as Alquernat Yucca, are highly recommended and, many times, indispensable to keep environmental ammonia below toxic concentrations in poultry farms.
Reduction of environmental ammonia thanks to Alquernat Yucca
Alquernat Yucca is a natural deodorizer developed by Biovet, intended to reduce ammonia concentration and improve the environmental quality of the farm.
Alquernat Yucca has a unique formulation based on the combination of compounds derived from Yucca sp. and cimenol ring. The active principles of Alquernat Yucca are intended to bind ammonia and reduce the ammonia-producer microorganisms, preventing the adverse effects of this gas on welfare and productivity.
The binding of ammonia neutralizes its toxic effect in the intestine and the environment. The decrease of ammonia at intestinal level favors the balance of the microbiota and enhances the feed digestion and nutrients absorption.  
Lastly, cimenol ring providesadded value to Alquernat Yucca. Cimenol ring is a compound with a strong antimicrobial activity and a wide spectrum of action. It has been proved that it is a bactericide and fungicide against common pathogenic bacteria, fungi and yeast affecting feed spoilage and animal production.
The action of cimenol ring complements the activity of the Yucca-derived compounds and enhances the elimination of ammonia-producer bacteria.
The effectivity of Alquernat Yucca is corroborated by multiple research projects and evaluations worldwide. Alquernat Yucca has demonstrated to reduce the environmental ammonia concentration above 70% in poultry and swine production.
Performance results improve thanks to the better air quality and the improved animal welfare and digestive function. growth rate and feed conversion are improved, and, according to the observed results, every 1 million broiler chickens, 450 more tons of meat could be produced and 377 tons of feed could be saved thanks to the use of Alquernat Yucca.
 Impact of environmental ammonia in the performance of poultry - Image 3
A holistic approach should be considered to maintain profitability of the production and reducing ammonia emissions is an important part of it. High ammonia concentrations may impair animal health and performance. Thus, a better feed conversion comes with a reduction of ammonia production.
Alquernat Yucca is a natural solution intended to reduce ammonia production and emission. The Yucca-derived compounds capture ammonia and reduce the presence of ammonia-producing microorganisms. The cimenol ring is included to enhance the antimicrobial properties of Alquernat Yucca.
The added value of cimenol ring makes the Alquernat Yucca a unique product in the market developed and manufactured by Biovet S.A., which is effective at low dosage and able to achieve a reduction up to 70% on the ammonia levels in poultry and pig farms.
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Maria Soriano
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