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The use of recombinant HVT-ILT Vaccine against MD

Published: December 10, 2013
By: Dr Abdulwahab Kammon

Dear all,

Recently some poultry vaccine manufacturers produce recombinant HVT-ILT vaccine to give protection against both MD and ILT. We are wondering about these issues:

1. Safety of this kind of vaccines
2. Some poultry producers are using ordinary MD vaccines (bivalent or trivalent), therefore does the use of recombinant vaccines give good protection instead of bivalent or trivalent ones? If no, what is the suggestion taking into account the benefit of using recombinant HVT-ILT over live ILT vaccine?

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Dr Abdulwahab Kammon
Grzegorz Wozniakowski
National Veterinary Research Institute (Poland)
12 de diciembre de 2013
Dear Dr Kammon, First of all, thank you for this hot topic. As you may observed HVT-based vaccines are currently efficient only for broilers in age up to 6-weeks. However, personally I have observed the symptoms of MD in HVT vaccinated chickens. My recent study on the strains isolated after the indroduction of MD vaccines clearly showed that currently isolated MDV strains are very virulent plus isolates. Therefore HVT due to its flexibility for recombinant vaccines contruction is very interesting but I would not say this will provide dual protecion against ILT and MD. I would say recombinant HVT-ILTV vaccine is more safe in comparison to live ILTV vaccine. By the way once again thabk you for this subject. I look forward to your reply. All the best, Greg
Dr Abdulwahab Kammon
17 de diciembre de 2013
Dear Dr Greg Thank you very much for valuable information. Have you tried injection of both HVT-ILT and Bivalent MD on same day but different sites. How much stress will be on the day old chicks.
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