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Use of dietary emulsifier for broiler chickens

Published: February 10, 2017
By: Teixeira LV1* , Rombola LG2 , Rovers M 2 , Navarro H 2 , Aa VDA 2 , Bertechini AG 1 1Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG, Brazil. 2Orffa, Werkendam, Netherlands. levydvt@gmail.com
Introduction. Energy is a major cost component in diets for high-performing animals. Due to their high energy density, fats and oils are important energy sources in feed formulation. Improving the energy efficiency of these raw materials is of great interest from an economical point of view. Dietary emulsifier can be used in poultry feed as an important tool to improve fat digestibility, resulting in better energy ultilization of diets. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of an emulsifier-additive on performance and carcass parameters in broilers chickens.
Material and Methods. The trial was conducted at the Federal University of Lavras, Brazil. A total of 1,260 one-day-old male chicks Cobb 500 were weighed and randomly distributed into 6 treatments with 10 replicates, totaling 60 experimental units of 21 birds each. The treatments were T1-positive control 1 CORN/SBM (PC1); T2-negative control 1 (NC1); T3-NC1 + Emulsifier; T4-positive control 2 CORN/SBM/MBM (PC2); T5-negative control 2 (NC2) and T6-NC2 + Emulsifier. The negative control (NC) diet was formulated to be lower in metabolizable energy (- 40kcal/kg) in the starter phase (1-21d) and (-75kcal/kg) in the grower phase (22-42d). The emulsifier was Excential Energy Plus (350g/ton). The birds and the leftover feed were weighed for feed intake (FI), weight gain (WG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) in accordance with the ages (1-7, 1-21 and 1 to 42d). At 42 days of age, two birds per replicate were weighed and selected for slaughter to evaluate carcass yield, thigh and drumstick, wings, breast and abdominal fat.The results of the performance and the carcass parameters were submit to ANOVA and SNK test (P<0.05) by PROC GLM/SAS.
Results and Discussion. From 1 to 7 and 1 to 21 days of age, no effects were found (P>0.05) on FI, however, considering the entire evaluation (1 to 42d), the results showed higher feed intake (P<0.05) on negative control 2 (T5) in the diets based on CORN/SBM/MBM. The other treatments found no significance diferences (P>0.05) on FI. The metabolizable energy reductions did not have enough influence on FI in the most treatments evaluated. From 1 to 7 and 1 to 21d, WG showed better results (P<0.05) for treatments containing emulsifier and positive control. Considering the entire evaluation (1 to 42d) of the trial, there were no treatment effects found (P>0.05) on the WG of the birds. Better results were found (P<0.05) on FCR from 1 to 21d for the positive control 2 (T4) based on CORN/SBM/MBM and the treatment containing emulsifier (T6). Better FCR (P<0.05) values were observed for the positive control 2 and the treatments containing emulsifer (T3 and T6) from 1 to 42d. The worst FCR (P<0.05) were found in the negative control treatments (T2 and T5) with metabolizable energy reduction of 40 and 75 kcal/kg in the phases from 1 to 21 and 22 to 42 days old, respectively. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found for the carcass yield, breast, thigh and drumstick, wings and fat pad measures.
Conclusion. In conclusion, the emulsifier improves the FCR on diets with metabolizable energy reduction back to the same level as positive control and is able to compensate energy reduction in the diet.
Presented at CLANA 2016, Cancun, Mexico.

Keywords: Emulsifier, performance, energy, broiler
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10 de junio de 2019
Rahul Pise
Global Market Insights Inc.
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Growing consumer inclination towards packaged food due to rising number of working-class people will stimulate product demand. Food emulsifier are added in small quantity owing to its anti-staling, stable foaming, and emulsifying properties. It helps the dough to rise and makes it look fluffy. Rising utilization of emulsifying agents to manufacture cakes and puddings owing to increasing demand for appealing baked goods will boost emulsifying agents industry growth.
China food emulsifier market size may witness substantial gains up to 5% by 2025. It is added to breads as it helps to produce elastic & less sticky dough and make it soft. Rising bread consumption in the region due to availability of healthier multigrain and low carb breads will fortify regional product demand.

Kiran Polkundwar
23 de noviembre de 2017

Can you please tell composition of emulsifier?

Kabir Ahmed Chohan
24 de febrero de 2017
Can anyone share the details of emulsifiers and its mode of action ? Do it effect on animal fat or just on feed ingredients oil level ? What is the role in case of animal fat supplementation ?
Ismet Mamode
Food & Allied Group of Companies
21 de febrero de 2017
Same question : What is the composition of the Emulsifier?
Emeka Ogazi
14 de febrero de 2017
There is no clue on what composed of emulsifier. Can you state the composition? Is soy oil or palm oil ? We need clarity on what gives the energy.
14 de febrero de 2017
What about the impact of the emulsifier on the mucous intestinal lining and the gut microbiota?
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