Every year the marketing age of broilers decreases by an average of 0.75 days for the same performance. This trend is likely to continue in the same direction for the coming years. Nutrition plays a vital role in enabling this improvement. As the feed cost represents an expensive input (~70-80% of broiler production cost), the poultry producer should be aware of the dynamics of the feed in its in...
Dear Godfrey
Can you be more specific ?
How I can help you?
What do you want to say with "Table of formula"
Data about nutrients or a calculator for nutrient formulas?
The problem is , you will never get the exact formula here, If you wait for that, it will take forever. All i willl advice you to do is take some of the ingredient or materials you know and prepare your feed , administer it to your broilers and watch their growth...remember to write the exact formula you prepared...if there is no improvement , try another way till you get it right. If you wait for website to tell you the exact kg or perhaps formula, you will wait forever.
Ndidi Dare, you are right. The reason you will not find the formula here is because each formula is just a recipe Magistère . Is made from local produce is made for your type of poultry and economic optimization is done. no need to test. just read books. everything has already been tested. use only a good database and optimum nutrients and correct recipe will rise alone. Of course if you want to have another kind of flesh with a different combination of fatty acids and low cholesterol or other features you might know more. but that is another discussion
Formulating feed for broiler chickens in Nigeria is becoming more challenging due to general rise in prices of feedstuffs. To this end, different formulae are used by researchers and farmers but I need to know the effect. Recent studies show increase in the blood creatinine. What is the implication? what is the normal range of creatinine and uric acid in healthy chickens (Broiler)?
Why are you people taking a headache for feed formulation on your own, it is not a child's game. A number of factors are involved in this, and a highly technical work, like materials quality, knowing their composition, seasonal effects, storage, availability, proper laboratory tests, proper mixing and still a lot other.just use A readily available Feeds of a good company and save your time.