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Animal Fat in Broiler Ration

Economics in the use of animal fat in commercial broiler ration

Published: April 29, 2011
By: Dr. Jaydip Mulik (M.V.Sc.)
It has been observed that there are lots of controversies in poultry nutrition regarding the use of feed ingredients from Animal sources. Many poultry experts are against to use animal sources such as Meat cum bone meal and Animal fat in poultry feed. 

But nowadays, due to use of highly modern Rendering technologies, the By-products of Abattoirs such as MBM and Animal Fat produced are of best nutritional quality. Those products are sterilized and having a good self life. Due to those properties now its need of poultry industry to use those products in poultry feed as a good Protein and energy sources.

Now all poultry feed manufactures are using Meat cum bone meal in poultry feed as a conventional item but some controversies till there to use of Animal fat in it. So till date lots of feed manufactures are considering animal fat as a Non- conventional Item in poultry feed. In concern to this, we have conducted the field trials to know the Impact of use of animal fat in poultry feed.

Materials and Methods

We have selected the farms randomly from the list of Broiler Contract farmers under Sahakar Agrovet, Ahamadnagar (Maharashtra). This firm was facing problems of Ascites too in the summer season also so they have decided to reduce the energy in Finisher feed. As per that after decreasing energy value by 100 Kcal he was successful to control the mortality of Ascites but at the same time FCR has been damaged and production cost was also increased. Then I have advised him to use 50% crude Soya oil and 50% Animal fat without decreasing the energy in feed. As per that he had make changes in the feed formulations.

Ingredients used in Broiler finisher Diet

Maize, Soya Doc, MBM, Soya crude oil, Animal Fat and maize gluten were the Major Ingredients used in feed formulation.

Nutritional Values (Broiler Finisher Diet)

Crude Protein% - 19.5, Metabolic energy - 3280 Kcal/kg, C: P ratio: 170

In both the groups the Nutritional values maintained were same as above and ingredients used were also same except Animal fat.
Results Obtained from the Finisher Feed in which Soya crude oil used @ 4% in Formulation

Economics in the use of animal fat in commercial broiler ration - Image 1 
Results obtained from the Finisher Feed in which Soya crude oil used @ 2% & Animal Fat @ 2% in Formulation
Economics in the use of animal fat in commercial broiler ration - Image 2

When they have started to use the Animal Fat in their feed formulations, their feed cost was decreased by 30 paisa per kg.

The Economics for the same was as:

The Rate of Soya crude oil was at Rs.46/kg Free on road while rate of Animal fat was at Rs.31/kg free on road 

Cost of Soya Crude oil used in feed formulations @4%:

4 x 46 = 184 per 100 kg feed so for 1 kg feed = Rs.1.84

Cost of Soya Crude oil used @ 2% + Animal Fat used @ 2% in feed Formulation:

2 x 46 + 2 x 31 = 92 + 62 = 154 per 100 kg feed so for 1 kg feed = Rs. 1.54

So they have saved Rs.0.30 per kg finisher feed after replacing 4% Soya crude Oil by 2% Animal Fat and 2% Soya crude oil in feed formulations

Summary & Discussions

This Study has been solved the below frequently asked questions (FAQ's) by Farmers:

1) Gross Energy obtained from Animal fat was very low i.e. around 8200 Kcal/kg?

This study has proven that by using the Animal Fat in feed by replacing 50 % quantity of soya crude Oil in Finisher diet will get the synergistic effect on gross energy values i.e. by using 50% Soya crude oil + 50% Animal fat will give us 9000 kcal/kg gross energy.

2) By using animal sources in poultry feed chances of bacterial infections are more?

If you look after results shown in table you can understood that mortality % was low on the feed having Animal fat in there formulations as compare to the other group. Apart from that they were succeed to overcome the problem of Ascites and heat stroke mortality.

3) Difficult to use/Handle?

Many feed manufacturers have to put the animal fat melting and spraying machinery at their feed mills which are low cost also. This Company/firm has installed such machinery from Pune based Company and running well without any trouble.
4) Poultry needs only/Maximum Unsaturated Fats? :
This field study has been proved that poultry birds will give better performance on the feed having balance of Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in their formulations.

5) Storage life?

Unsaturated fatty acids are more prone to Oxidative rancidity over Saturated fat. So as Soya crude oil contains more unsaturated fatty acids that will be become more rancid than Animal fat if come in contact with air.

Economics in the use of animal fat in commercial broiler ration - Image 3


Since output of above results, this customer is using this blend of Oils (Soya Crude Oil + Animal Fat) consistently and getting better results. Highlighting his recent results summary month wise.
Related topics:
Dr Jaydip Mulik
wajid ali khan
11 de diciembre de 2014
thank you ..for such important information
16 de noviembre de 2014
What is the cheapest feed mixture can be from corn and soy oil center
Dr.channegowda H K
16 de noviembre de 2014
Dear Sameer Patel, The amount of energy spent for digestion of oils & fats is less when compared to CHO whereas digestion of proteins require highest energy. this is the reason why you get better weight when you feed fat as energy source. fats are easily digestible or easy source of ATPs Dr.Channegowda Consultant Veterinary Nutritionist
Dr.channegowda H K
16 de noviembre de 2014
This is what exactly happen in dairy cows during early lactation. Milk production keeps on increasing from day 1 and reaches peak by 28 to 35 days. During these 35 days the cow eats less but produce more popularly called as negative energy balance. Energy for high yielding is actually derived from the subcutaneous fat stored in the body during dry period. Dr.Channegowda Consultant Veterinary Nutritionist
ajaya sharma
13 de noviembre de 2014
Dear Dr Mulik, Wish to add some information for you. CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates are more highly hydrated. For example, 1 g of glycogen can bind approximately 2 g of WATER, which translates to 1.33 kcal/g (4 kcal/3 g). This means that fatty acids can hold more than six times the amount of energy per unit of storage mass. Put another way, if the human body relied on carbohydrates to store energy, then a person would need to carry 31 kg (67.5 Lb.) of hydrated glycogen to have the energy equivalent to 4.6 kg (10 lb.) of Fat . Hibernating animals provide a good example for utilizing fat reserves as fuel. For example, bears hibernate for about 7 months, and, during this entire period, the energy is derived from degradation of fat stores.
DR Ramzan Ai
23 de octubre de 2014
Dear DR Jaydip, Can we used this formulation used in broiler for weight gain and which time started?
Dr Jaydip Mulik
7 de mayo de 2011

Dear Samir Bhai,

As on today Rate for Maize is around Rs.13/kg and for blend of Fats i.e. 50% Soya Crude Oil(non De-gummed)+50%Animal Fat is around Rs.51/kg; which is as per you 4 times higher is absolutely correct but find the physiology mentioned by author which i had cropped & pasted below.

"Building up a fat unit costs you more than building up a protein unit. The deposition of 1 g of energy from carbohydrates or protein by an animal requires higher quantities of these nutrients(CHO) in comparison to the deposition of 1 g of energy from fat. In broiler nutrition you should care for building up meat protein. Considering diets with similar nutritive value, chickens fed rations containing fat showed better performance than birds fed diets without fat inclusion"

Dr Jaydip

Samir Patel
Biotech Group
7 de mayo de 2011
Dr Jaydip Mulik
7 de mayo de 2011
Dear Samir Bhai, Which CHO sources you are using in feed formulations for Broilers? First clarify the same. Than i will revert you with economics. Thanks, Dr Jaydip
Samir Patel
Biotech Group
6 de mayo de 2011
Dear Dr.Jaidip, You said that energy content in fat is 2.25 times higher than CHO but price is 4-5 times higher than CHO. How fat could be economical energy source than CHO? Regards Samir Patel Biotech Group
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