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Ducks World

Published: December 14, 2017
By: Amer Makram / Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Duck is the common name for a large number of species in the waterfowl family Anatidae, which also includes swans and geese. The ducks are divided among several subfamilies in the family Anatidae; they do not represent a monophyletic group (the group of all descendants of a single common ancestral species) but a form taxon, since swans and geese are not considered ducks. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water. Ducks are sometimes confused with several types of unrelated water birds with similar forms, such as loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots. The objective of this article is the classification of ducks and understands what species of ducks and the differences between breeds of domesticated ducks.

Key words; Mallard, Muscovy, domesticated ducks, wilds ducks, Scientific Classification,

Duck word origin
The word duck comes from Old English *duce "diver", a derivative of the verb *ducan "to duck, bend down low as if to get under something, or dive", because of the way many species in the dabbling duck group feed by upending; compare with Dutch duiken and German tauchen "to dive". This word replaced Old English ened/ænid "duck", possibly to avoid confusion with other Old English words, like ende "end" with similar forms. Other Germanic languages still have similar words for "duck", for example, Dutch eend "duck" and German Ente "duck". The word ened/ænid was inherited from Proto-Indo-European; compare: Latin anas "duck", Lithuanian ántis "duck", Ancient Greek nessa/netta (ν?σσα, ν?ττα) "duck", and Sanskrit atí "water bird", among others A duckling is a young duck in downy plumage[1] or baby duck; but in the food trade young adult ducks ready for roasting are sometimes labelled "duckling. A male duck is called a drake and the female duck is called a duck, or in ornithology a hen.
Duck classification
Ducks are classified into domesticated duck and wild duck
Domesticated duck: are ducks that are raised for meat, eggs and down. Many ducks are also kept for show, as pets, or for their ornamental value. Almost all varieties of domesticated duck are descended from the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), apart from the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata).
Wild duck: These non-domesticated breeds and there are more than 35 wild strains of the genus and is a benefit from it economically only in hunting.
There is another division for the ducks by feeding method as follows
Dabbling duck: a type of shallow water duck that feeds primarily along the surface of the water or by tipping headfirst into the water to graze on aquatic plants, vegetation and insects. These ducks are infrequent divers and are usually found in small ponds, rivers and other shallow waterways, or else they may stay near the shallow, slower edges of larger waterways.
Diving duck: A type of duck that dives deeply and swims underwater to feed on aquatic vegetation, insects and occasionally small fish. These ducks are strong swimmers and will dive for protection, but they are uncertain and awkward on land.
Diving and dabbling ducks: In these types of ducks depend fed on nutrition from the ground and sometimes dive into the water to find food, but do not dive for long periods under water like diving duck.
There are other classification depends on the behavior, such as
Perching ducks: Any of the species of the tribe Cairinini, family Anatidae (order Anseriformes), waterfowl that typically inhabit wet woodlands, nest in holes in trees, and perch on branches by means of their long-clawed toes. The tribe is widely represented, especially in the tropics.
Sea ducks: A group of ducks keep much of its life in the water does not touch the land except for a few periods when mating and lie on the eggs and includes the types of diving duck like Aythya and fish duck like Mergans.

Scientific classification duck
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Aves
Order : Anseriformes
Family : Anatide
Sub- Family
  • Anatinae
  • Anserinae
  • Aythyinae
  • Dendrocygninae
  • Merginae
  • Oxyurinae
  • Plectropterinae
  • Stictonettinae
  • Tadorninae
  • Thalassorninae

Genus : 42 Genus
Species : 107 Sp
Sub Species: 137 Sp
Sub- Family Anatinae
There is in this family 15 genus
  • Anas (18sp)
  • Amazonetta (1sp)
  • Lophonetta (1sp)
  • Speculanas (1sp)
  • Chelychelynechen (1sp)
  • Thambetochen (2sp)
  • Ptaiochen (1sp)
  • Aix (2sp)
  • Cairina (2sp)
  • Callonetta (1sp)
  • Chenonetta (1sp)
  • Pteronetta (1sp)
  • Nettapus (3sp)
  • Sarkidiornis (1sp)
  • Tachyeres (4sp)
Sub- Family Anserinae
This family includes 6 genus linked to goose not duck
Sub- Family Aythyinae
There is in this family 3 genus
  • Marmaronetta (1sp)
  • Netta (4sp)
  • Aythya (13sp)
Sub- Family Dendrocygninae
There is in this family one genus
  • Dendrocygna (8sp)
Sub- Family Merginae
There is in this family 11 genus
  • Chendytes (1sp)
  • Polysticta (1sp)
  • Somateria (3sp)
  • Histrionicus (1sp)
  • Camptorhynchus(1sp)
  • Melanitta (5sp)
  • Clangula (1sp)
  • Bucephala (1sp)
  • Mergellus (1sp)
  • Lophodytes (1sp)
  • Mergus (5sp)
Sub- Family Oxyurinae
There is in this family 4 genus
  • Oxyura (5sp)
  • Nomonyx (1sp)
  • Biziura (1sp
  • Heteronetta (1sp)

Sub- Family Plectropterinae
his family includes one genus linked to goose not duck
Sub- Family Stictonettinae
There is in this family one genus
  • Stictonetta (1sp)
Sub- Family Tadorninae
There is in this family 6 genus
  • Tadorna (7sp)
  • Salvadorina (1sp)
  • Merganetta (1sp)
  • Hymenolaimus (1sp)
  • Malacorhynchus (2sp)
  • Pachyanas (1sp)
Sub- Family Thalassorninae
There is in this family one genus
  • Thalasseri’s (1sp)
Scientific classification for domestic duck
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Aves
Order : Anseriformes
Family : Anatide
Sub- Family: Anatinae
Ducks World - Image 1
Domesticated ducks
Through scientific classification of domesticated ducks note that domesticated ducks is divided into two types of ducks, first, Mallard ducks (Anas platyrhyncho), second, Muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata). The differences between the types of Muscovy and Mallard can be summarized in the table (1)
Table (1): show a comparison between the types Muscovy and Mallard ducks.
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Mallard ducks
Characterized Mallard strains in fast growth and high egg production where there is productive strains of eggs such Khaki Campbell and meat production strains such as Rouen and Aylesbury and other for meat and egg productive like Pekin duck, there are more than 125 around the world breed of domesticated Mallard breeds (photo 1).
Mallard types in Egypt
Mallard strains duck can be divided in Egypt into commercial and local strains duck.
Commercial Mallard duck
In Egypt there are two strains of commercial ducks, Pekin and Khali Campbell ducks.
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CayugeDesiFrench Pekin
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Khaki CampbellIndian RunnerTsaiya
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Photo 1: Type of Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)
Pekin duck
There are many breeds of Pekin ducks in the world similar in phenotypic character but differ in productive performance like, e American, German, Ukrainian and French Pekin duck in addition to the lines and breeds of Pekin ducks found in China. The strain reared In Egypt is the French Pekin duck.
Characteristics of Pekin duck
1- Color feathers white, beak and legs in color orange
2- Body weight from 2600-3350 gm.
3- Eggs number from 200-230 and egg weight 60 gm.
4- Rears for the purpose of cross with Muscovy to produce Mulled duck.
5- Rears for the purpose of meat and egg productive.
Khaki Campbell duck strain
The Khaki Campbell is a breed of domesticated duck that originated in England and is kept for its high level of egg production. The breed was developed by Mrs. Adel Campbell of Uley, Gloucestershire, England at the turn of the 20th century. The "Campbell Duck" being introduced in 1898 and the 'Khaki' variety introduced to the public in 1901. The Khaki Campbell is various mating of Rouen, Indian Runner and Wild Duck were resorted to produce them. The resulting birds were prolific layers.
Characteristics of Khaki Campbell duck
1- Color feathers brown, khaki and white, but the white not found in Egypt
2- Body weight from 1360-2680 gm.
3- Eggs number from 300-320 and egg weight 65 gm.
5- Rears for the purpose of egg productive and males for meat productive
Local Mallard duck
There are two strains in Egypt of local ducks, Domyati and Shershery ducks.
Domyati duck
The Domyati duck is local strain in Egypt its similar to wild Mallard duck in phenotypic with two different, the first, is the Domyati duck cannot fly, the second different, there is white color in some parts in the Domyati females

Characteristics of Domyati duck
1- Color feathers brown in males with green head and the female brown with white color in some parts in body
2- Body weight from 1500-1750 gm.
3- Eggs number 170 eggs.
4- Rears for the purpose of meat productive.

Shershery duck
The Shershery duck is the most widespread strain in in Egypt compared to Domyati duck.

Characteristics of Shershery duck
1- Color feathers brown, black, white and gray
2- Body weight from 2500-3000 gm.
3- Rears for the purpose of meat productive.
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Photo 2: Shershery duck
Muscovy ducks
The Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) is distinctly different genetically from common ducks (Mallard ducks). This breed is believed to have originated in South America, although ancient records of this or a similar breed have been found in Egypt. The Sudani can considered an a line from of Muscovy found in Egypt. There are both colored and white feathered varieties of Muscovies. Unlike common ducks, the head and face of Muscovies is covered with caruncles (a fleshy growth that resembles wattles). Another prominent feature of Muscovy ducks is the large difference in body size between the drake and females, the male weighing 30-50 % more than the female. Muscovies tolerate hot weather much better than common ducks. Muscovy eggs require about 35 days hatching. While Muscovies can be crossed with common ducks, their offspring’s are sterile.

Muscovy Strains duck in Egypt
Mallard strains duck can be divided in Egypt into commercial and local strains duck.
Commercial Muscovy duck
In Egypt there is one strain of commercial Muscovy duck ducks.
French Muscovy duck
The French Muscovy is the local strain in France. Muscovy was established at the Duck Research Center DRC in 1984 from 80 eggs donated by a French farmer and was then selected to improve the growth performance.
Characteristics of French Muscovy duck
1- Color feathers white, black, barred, pied and piped.
2- Body weight from 2600-3000 gm for females and 4000-6000 gm for males at 10 wk of age.
3- Rears for the purpose of meat productive.
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American MuscovyAfrican MuscovyBarbarie (Black)
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Fayoumi duckSudani duck White Muscovy
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Lavender MuscovySilver MuscovyBarred
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Chocolate MuscovyBronze MuscovyA Turtle Dove
Photo 3: Type of Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata)
Local Muscovy duck
There are two strains in Egypt of local ducks, Sudani and Fayoumi ducks.
Sudani duck
Sudani duck one of the popular birds in Egypt. Sudani duck has many names in Egypt like native duck or Egyptian Muscovy. They have lower growth performance, although, Sudani ducks have higher carcass quality and immune response.
Characteristics of Sudani duck
1- Color feathers black
2- Body weight 1828 gm for females and 3037 gm for males at 14 wk of age.
3- Eggs number 80-120 eggs.
4- Rears for the purpose of meat productive.
Fayoumi duck
The Fayoumi duck found in Fayoum governorate in Egypt in 2010 and still under study.
Characteristics of Fayoumi duck
1- Color feathers white and max between black with white.
2- Body weight 2100 gm for females and 3600 gm for males at sexual maturity.
3- Rears for the purpose of meat productive.
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Photo 4: Picture for Fayoumi and Sudani, the left is Fayoumi and the right is Sudani duck.
Sterile Hybrid Ducks
When Muscovies and common ducks are allowed to mate naturally, the fertility rate is usually very low. It is a common practice today to use artificial insemination to increase the fertility. Whatever the method of mating, the offspring are sterile and cannot be used for breeding. These hybrids are usually raised for their meat, or in some cases, for their liver (foie gras), which is a delicacy sold in famous restaurants. These sterile hybrids are called mule (Muscovy male x common female) or hinny (common male x Muscovy female) ducks. In some cases special names are assigned to hybrids by commercial breeders. For example, once hybrid produced by crossing Muscovy males with Pekin females is called “Mulard” Such names may identify the commercial breeder and the particular strain of Muscovy and common duck used to produce the hybrid. In Taiwan, the hybrid produced by crossing a White Muscovy male with a Kaiya (Pekin x Tsaiya) female is called simply, the “Mule Duck”. Mule Ducks are popular among the people of Taiwan because of their taste and high proportion of lean meat.
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Mule duck ((Muscovy male x common female)
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Hinny duck (common male x Muscovy female)
Photo 5 Type of Mulard duck (mule or hinny)
Hybrid ducks in Egypt
In Egypt, we can found four hybrids in ducks, also can divided into hybrids commercial and local as follows.
Commercial hybrid ducks in Egypt
There is two hybrids duck in Egypt, Germoh Mulard and Pelnshar Mulard ducks.
Germoh or Massenger Mulard duck
This hybrid come from mating between French Muscovy male duck with Pekin females duck and the name Germoh or Messenger back to the company that produced.
Characteristics of Germoh or Messenger Mulard duck
1- Color feathers black, white with black spot on the head, Light and dark brown and the combination between the White and Black
2- Body weight 4000-4500 from 8-10 wk of age
3- Rears for the purpose of meat productive
Pelnshar Mulard ducks
One of the types of Mulard ducks which has spread in recent years in Egypt. But it is un known the parents lines, however, certainly the males will be the French Muscovy.
Characteristics of Pelnshar Mulard duck
1- Color feathers white with red eyes
2- Body weight 4000-4500 at 8wk of age
3- Rears for the purpose of meat productive
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Photo 6 Germoh or Messenger Mulard duck.
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Photo 7: Pelnshar Mulard duck.
Local hybrid ducks in Egypt
Theirs two hybrids from Sudani duck (Egyptian Muscovy) in Egypt, PS and MS cross by (Makram, 2015, Makram et al. 2014 and 2015). These hybrids come from Sudani duck or Egyptian native breeds of ducks because they are able to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions, which may be the reason for the increasing importance, and popularity of the duck industry in Egypt. Sudani duck one of the popular birds in Egypt. They have lower growth performance, although, Sudani ducks have higher carcass quality and immune response. On the other hand, Peking ducks grow rapidly, reaching approximately 90% of their adult weight at 7 weeks of age. While, Muscovy ducks in particular is a heavy breed mainly used for meat production. Modern commercial ducks grow faster due to genetic selection, efficient rearing system and improved nutrition supply. But, selection for fast growth and high yield may adversely impact the functional and genetic disease. Although, lower immunity has been predicated along with selection progress. The cross between commercial duck and Sudani duck improves the carcass quality and immunity compared to commercial duck.
PS cross
This hybrids produced by cross between Pekin duck males with Sudani duck females.
Characteristics of PS cross
1- Color feathers Light and dark brown and the combination between the White and Black
2- Body weight 2765gm at 9 wk of age
3- Rears for the purpose of meat productive
MS cross
This hybrids produced by cross between French Muscovy duck males with Sudani duck females.
Characteristics of MS cross
1- Color feathers Black, white and the combination between the White and Black
2- Body weight 2660gm at 10 wk of age
3- Rears for the purpose of meat productive
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Photo 8: MS cross duck at different ages.
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Photo 9: PS cross duck at different ages.
Presented at the 9th International Poultry Conference, November 2016, Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt.
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Seyoum, S; Tringali, MD; Bielefeld, RR; Feddersen, JC; Benedict Jr, RJ; Fanning, AT; Barthel, B; Curtis, C; Puchulutegui, C; Roberts, ACM; Villanova Jr, VL; Tucker, EC (2012). "Fifty-nine microsatellite markers for hybrid classification studies involving endemic Florida Mottled Duck (Anas fulvigula fulvigula) and invasive Mallards (A. platyrhynchos)". Conservation Genetics Resources. 4 (3). doi:10.1007/s12686-012-9622-9.
Swanson, George A.; Meyer, Mavis I.; Adomaitis, Vyto A. (1985). "Foods consumed by breeding mallards on wetlands of south-central North Dakota". Journal of Wildlife Management. 49 (1): 197–203. doi:10.2307/3801871. JSTOR 3801871.
Williams, Murray; Basse, Britta (2006). "Indigenous gray ducks, Anas superciliosa, and introduced mallards, A. platyrhynchos, in New Zealand: processes and outcome of a deliberate encounter" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Sinica. 52 (Supplement): 579–582.
Yamashina, Y. (1948). "Notes on the Marianas mallard". Pacific Science. 2: 121–124.
Young, H. Glyn; Rhymer, Judith M. (1998). "Meller's duck: A threatened species receives recognition at last". Biodiversity and Conservation. 7 (10): 1313–1323. doi:10.1023/A:1008843815676.
External links
  • Mallard at RSPB's Birds by Name
  • Northern Mallard at Birds in Backyards
  • "Mallard media". Internet Bird Collection.
  • Mallard Species Account – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  • Mallard photo gallery at VIREO (Drexel University)
Amer Sawy
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