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College Student Career Program: From Academics to Industry

Published: February 13, 2012
Source : U.S. Poultry & Egg Association
ATLANTA - As keynote speaker at the College Student Career Program, Dr. Don McIntyre, Poultry Technical Manager, Adisseo, addressed 325 students from 25 universities about Progressing from Academics to Industry. The annual program, held in conjunction with the International Poultry Expo, is sponsored by U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.
McIntyre is an alumnus of the College Student Career Program. He attended the program while he was a junior at North Carolina State University. He reflected on seeing the Expo floor for the first time and being excited about the abundance of opportunities in the industry.
"I grew up with beef cattle and quarter horses," said McIntyre. "I went to school to pursue a career as a large animal veterinarian. I never applied to vet school, because I was intrigued by the genetic aspects of poultry science. I love puzzles. I love figuring out how things work. Each of you needs to find your own individual talent or gift," added McIntyre.
"The poultry industry is like a fraternity and the opportunities are limitless. Find a mentor at your job, someone you can look up to and go to for advice, someone who can help you and keep you on track with your goals. Find the gift that makes you special; make it your calling, not just your career," McIntyre concluded.
The College Student Career Program affords undergraduate and graduate students from colleges and universities across the nation, in multiple disciplines, with the opportunity to interview for jobs and internships with industry and allied companies. These students can also visit the exhibit floor to complement their studies, by seeing the latest technology and newest innovations in today's poultry and egg production and processing operations.
The program also includes student competitions for College Student Career Program Student of the Year, Club of the Year, and Scrapbook of the Year. McIntyre presented the annual Frank Perdue Scholarship Student of the Year Award to Terik Jones, University of Arkansas.
The scholarship is named for Frank Perdue, noted for his dedication to aspiring young people studying for careers in the poultry industry.University of Arkansas also took home top honors for Club of the Year and Scrapbook of the Year.
Photo Caption:2012 College Student Career Program participants attending presentation by Dr. McIntyre.
Photo Caption: (L to R) Dr. Mike Kidd, Department Head, University of Arkansas' Poultry Science Center of Excellence;
winner of the annual Frank Perdue Scholarship Student of the Year award, Terik Jones, University of
Arkansas; and keynote speaker Dr. Don McIntyre, Poultry Technical Manager, Adisseo.
U.S. Poultry & Egg Association
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