Dear Dr. Yannik,
Interesting video about Gumboro Disease.
Does immunosuppression induced by Gumbo-lL vaccine responsible for high mortality due to respiratory diseases in broilers. Usually Gumbo-L vaccine is used at 14 days of age, and high mortality starts 3-4 days post vaccination. Our region is endemic with H9N2 AI m IBV QX strain and Mycoplasma.
Best regards
Dear Dr. Yannik
Good article of Gumboro disease. I accepted with my friend from Arbil for post any vaccination that give to broiler at 2 week may cause high mortality if we see respiratory sings because in iraq are IB AND AI are very endemic and pandemic
bot mor problem are in secondary infection by E-COLI AND MYCOPLASMA
with best wishes
Dr. Mohammad khorshed AL-Iraqi tikrit
Ph.D student in Baghdad university
Gumboro disease is a real problem in the country or the hygienic status of poultry is very low. Indeed, the effect of the environment (hygiene, stress, dietary deficiency) often leads to immunosuppression in chickens. This can sometimes cause adverse reactions to vaccination. On the other hand many producers vaccinate chicks without knowing the level of maternal antibody. The date of vaccination may vary from one band to another chicken depending on the level of maternal antibodies.
I agree with D. Oumed and D. Mohmed, the immunosupression has the major and important role which lead to the next infection with IB and ND.