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A view and overview on the control of avian influenza outbreaks in poultry: (6-6) Host genetic selection and transgenic chickens

Published: December 9, 2014
By: Sayed Abd El-Whab (The Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Friedrich Loeffler Institute – Institute of Molecular Virology and Cell Biology, Germany - National Laboratory for Veterinary Quality Control on Poultry Production, Animal Health Research Institute, Egypt)
In previous articles, we overviewed different approaches for control of avian influenza in poultry including culling of infected birds, vaccination, the use of chemotherapeutics, the use of herbal antivirals and probiotics and avian cytokines and RNA-interference. 
The host genetics play a pivotal role in susceptibility to influenza including the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) H5N1 which is frequently studied in mice models as reviewed by Horby et al. [23]. Indeed, the impact of host genetic selection on resistance to AIV infections in poultry has not yet been fully determined. Emergence of panzootic H5N1 virus since the last decade has raised concerns in respect to influenza-resistant chickens either by selective breeding or genetic modification. 
Natural Resistance
It has been supposed that fast-growing domestic birds have reduced immune competence against several viral diseases and resistant breeds are mostly poor producers [62]. Natural resistance or less susceptibility of some species/breeds of birds to AIV is not uncommon. In an experiment, five chicken lines were infected with an HPAIV H7N1. Three lines showed high susceptibility to the virus while two lines showed some resistance and survived the infection [48]. Swayne et al. [52] observed that an low pathogenic (LPAIV) H4N8 produced more severe lesions in commercial and SPF White Leghorn (WL) chickens than in 5 week-old commercial broiler chickens suggesting that SPF WL chickens are more susceptible than broilers to this strain. Thomas et al. [53] suggested that WL chickens may be more susceptible to an H3N2 virus of swine origin than White Plymouth Rock broiler-type chickens. On the contrary, severe lesions in commercial broiler chickens compared to SPF was observed after experimental infection with a Jordanian H9N2 isolate [18]. Some wild duck species, particularly mallards, are more resistance to HPAIV H5N1 than others [26]. Conversely, dabbling ducks and white fronted goose were more frequently infected with AIV than other wild ducks and geese, respectively [36]. Wood ducks were the only species to exhibit illness or death between different species of experimentally infected wild ducks in a study conducted by Brown and others [10]. 
Myxovirus (Mx) Resistance Gene
Myxovirus resistance gene is an interferon-stimulated gene encodes Mx1 protein that able to interfere with AIV replication by inhibiting viral polymerases in the nucleus and by binding viral components in the cytoplasm. The role of the Mx gene in resistance against influenza viruses including the HPAIV H5N1 in mammals is well defined [11, 20, 35, 38, 40, 41, 50, 51]. However, the contribution of avian Mx proteins as antiviral elements in AIV infection in birds is contradictory and worth further exploration. Although intra- and inter-breed/-species Mx variations have been frequently reported [8, 14, 27, 29, 30, 43, 48, 58, 61], however commercial chicken lines have lower frequencies of the resistant allele compared to the indigenous chicken breeds [27, 29, 47] probably due to intensive modern breeding techniques [2]. Duck Mx was the first avian Mx protein to be characterized but no antiviral activity against an HPAIV H7N7 when transfected in chicken and mouse cells was obtained [4]. On the contrary, chickens have a single Mx1 gene [44] with multiple alleles [29] encoding a deduced protein with 705 amino acids in length. Notably, results of anti-influenza activity of the Mx1 protein in chickens are contradictory likely due to using variable experimental setups and different AIV strains. Also, a similar disparity has been noted between in-vitro and in-vivo experiments [17, 48].
Phenotypic variation in the antiviral activity of Mx gene has been linked to a single amino acid substitution of asparagine (Asn) at position 631 in resistant breeds or serine (Ser) in sensitive ones [27] probably due to inhibition of the PB2-NP interaction decreasing the viral polymerase activity [54]. The 631Asn identified mostly in Japanese native chicken breeds screened by Ko et al. [27] was associated with enhanced antiviral activity to H5N1 virus in transfected mouse fibroblast 3T3 cells. Conversely, results obtained by Benfield et al. [6], Benfield, et al. [7] and Schusser et al. [45] indicated that neither the 631Asn nor the 631Ser genotypes of chicken Mx1 was able to confer protection against several LPAIV and HPAIV including H5N1 subtype in chicken embryo fibroblasts or ECE. Similarly, Mx1 631Asn had no effect on viral replication after in-vitro infection of chicken embryo kidney cells with an LPAIV H5N9 [17]. Moreover, transfected chicken cells expressing chicken Mx protein did not induce resistance to HPAIV H7N7 [9]. In-vivo, following intranasal infection with an HPAIV H5N2, chickens carry Asn631 allele showed delayed mortality, milder morbidity and lesser virus excretion than 631Ser homozygotes [17]. Conversely, no correlation was observed between Mx-631 genotypes and susceptibility of chickens either to an HPAIV H7N1 [48] or after infection with H5N3 [56] as indicated by clinical status and time course of infection. Although, one out of six chicken lines infected with an HPAIV H7N1 had lower mortality, the Mx gene was not involved in this variations among tested chicken lines [49]. Additionally, chickens carry the homozygous Mx resistant allele genotype augmented the lowest HI titer after vaccination with an inactivated H5N2 vaccine compared with chickens that carry the sensitive allele [39].
Taken together, although few breeds of chickens and ducks can survive challenge with HPAIV in nature, resistance or susceptibility to a disease is usually multifactorial in nature and greatly influenced by both the host and the virus. To elucidate the role of Mx1 gene in the resistance of poultry to AIV more in-depth investigation [14, 45] and in-vivo comparative studies using several native breeds from different countries are highly required [17]. Also, interrelation of disease-resistance and production should be weighed. 
Other Candidate Genes
Apart from the Mx1 gene, resistance or less susceptibility of ducks to AIV infections compared with chickens has been linked to an influenza virus sensor known as retinoic acid-inducible gene I “RIG-I” (a cytoplasmic RNA sensor contribute to AIV detection and IFN production) which is absent in chickens [3, 25, 32]. This RIG-I gene as a natural AIV resistance gene in ducks could be a promising candidate for creation of transgenic chickens [3]. Likewise, different genes and cytokines have been expressed after infection of chicken and duck cells with several AIV subtypes including HPAIV H5N1 [1, 28, 31, 42]. Development of new drugs which modulate the expression of those cytokines may be a new target to control AIV replication [15]. Additional genetic candidates that contribute to inhibition of AIV replication such as cyclophilin A [60], ISG15 [24], viperin [55], heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70) [57] or Ebp1 and/or ErbB3-binding protein [22] could be useful in creation of genetically modified chickens. It is worth mentioning that genome manipulation technologies have been actively developed and researched in the last decade to design hosts-on-demand. A number of techniques including transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and the clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR) can modulate desired target genes in poultry in the near future to control AIV infections. For more information the readers are referred to other reviews [5, 13, 19, 33, 37, 59]. 
Transgenic Chickens
Current advance in molecular biology and genetic manipulation can facilitate the development of influenza-resistant poultry. Increase resistance of cell lines to influenza virus infection using RNA interfering (RNAi) molecules expressed by a lentiviral vector is more efficient transgenic tool than direct DNA injection or oncoretroviral vectors infection [12, 21, 46]. Recently, creation of AIV built-in resistant chickens by genetic modification has been experimentally proven by Lyall and colleagues [34]. Chickens equipped with a short-hairpin RNA targets the AIV polymerase binding sites have been created and infected with HPAIV H5N1. Although all infected transgenic birds succumbed to the infection however the virus did not spread to the in-contact transgenic and non-transgenic cagemates [34].
The most important challenges facing the development of genetically modified chickens are the applicability in food production, safety regulations and consumer’s preferences [16, 34]. Moreover, AIV is a “master of mutability” and global production of the resistant chickens must be equipped with many decoys target different genes to avoid rapid generation of AIV resistance. In addition, replacement of the commercial flocks with the newly flu-resistant birds is expected to occur within short period due to globalization of the poultry industry however replacement of backyard birds seems to be more complicated [16].
Finally, although a proof-of-principle to produce transgenic chickens has been reported, technical, logistic and social constraints are facing development of chicken resistant to AIV. Stable transmission and expression of the transgene from generation to generation require extensive studies. Regulatory approval, mass production, costs and marketing of commercial AIV resistant pedigree lines, consumer preferences and food safety issues need to be carefully and fully addressed. Overall, mutation of the virus in the face of any control approach remains the real challenge. 
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