I would be grateful if somebody tell me the pattern of Ab- titre following AI infection in chickens 1-Does Ab-titre raise immediately after infection of chicken? 2-For how long does the raised titre persist and does it undergo regression to base line antibody titre before it escalate again?
LPAIV infection can be detected through AGID serological surveillance using egg yolk as early as 7 days post-inoculation, but use of HI or ELISA tests may delay detection by an additional 4 days [Mariana Sa´ e Silva & D.E. Swayne, 2012. Avian Diseases, Vol. 56, No. 3, 2012, Pages 601–604]
Furthermore, immunogenicity of serotypes varies. In H9N2 virus-infected chickens, the antibody response was severely suppressed - in contrast to the robust antibody response in chickens infected with H6N2 virus [Xing et.al., 2008. J Gen Virol 89(Pt 5):1288-1299].
To what thing do we attribute the delay in detection of AI infection? Does that occur with ND and IB how many days needed for them to detect their infection?
What is the quantity of Elisa AI-antibody rises following infection of vaccinated chicken with AI vaccine?