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Preventing Weaning Diarrhoea using Salcochek Pro premix

Published: August 26, 2016
By: Ayurvet, Srijit Tripathi
The period following weaning is characterized by a high incidence of intestinal disturbances with diarrhoea and depression of growth performance in piglets. At weaning, pigs have to deal with the abrupt interruption in the established social interaction with sow and littermates and the stress of adapting to a new environment. In addition, the piglet has to cope with the sudden withdrawal of sow milk and adapt to less digestible, plant-based dry diets containing complex protein and carbohydrate including various anti-nutritional factors. Hence, piglets have a sharp reduction in feed intake immediately after weaning. Their gut is exposed to various kind of pathogens and toxins, which were not the condition during milk feeding.
In this process of accomodation of change, piglet diarrhoea is very common. This may be specific or non-specific. Salmonella and e. coli are two major pathogen causing diarrhoea after weaning.
Salcochek Pro - Salmonella + eColi + Chek is a specially developed formulation fortified with essential oils which can take care of diarrhoea of specific and non-specific origin in pigs after weaning as well as improve production performance.
SALCOCHEK PRO premix is a scientifically prepared polyherbal formulation made from pre-standardized herbs and essential oils of high therapeutic value for healthy gut function. Herbs of SALCOCHEK PRO viz. Acacia catechu, Holarrhena antidysentrica, Plantago ovata, Berberis aristata, Aegle marmelos etc. helps to normalize the transit time through different sections of the gastrointestinal tract & time required for material to move through the digestive tube. Herbs help to check the presence of various pathogens including E. coli, Salmonella etc. and improving gut microflora, which is useful to prevent from Enteritis, toxin production, Diarrhea associated symptoms.
To keep the swine industry profitable, it is imperative to find alternatives/replacements to infeed antibiotics and minerals that are effective in reducing the incidence and severity of digestive problems associated with the period immediately after weaning. Therefore present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of herbal formulation Salcochek in treatment of weaning diarrhoea in piglets. 

Trial study
To assess the efficacy of Salcochek in controlling weaning diarrhoea in piglets
Material and Method:
Present experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Salcochek premix as compared with synthetics in treatment of weaning Diarrhoea in piglets. Twenty Five growing piglets of approx 1 month old of White Yorkshire breed were selected for the experimental study. They were divided into five groups with 5 pigs in each group. Here we will consider only main groups as below -
Preventing Weaning Diarrhoea using Salcochek Pro premix - Image 1
  • The Salcochek treated group showed much better response when compared to Ciprofloxacin-Tinidazole treated group
  • The Consistency of the faeces returned to normal within 3 days as compared to 4 days in Antibiotic treated group
  • There was no mortality in the Salcochek premix treated Group and healthy group while the other groups showed mortality
  • The overall body weight gain in Salcochek group was 90% more than Antibiotic treated group
  • For food safety perpespective, use of Salcochek is better than treating alone with antibiotics in any diarrheal condition
Based on the results of the trial as well as many other studies it can be concluded that Salcochek Pro, enriched with essential oils, which is an advanced form of previous Salcochek, that maintains total gut integrity and thereby improves the survivability of piglets and profitability of the farm owners.
*Full trial or References: On request
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Srijit Tripathi
VetLine India
Peter Moono
University of Western Australia, Australia
7 de septiembre de 2016
Quite interesting finding. Did you screen all the studied piglets for any pathogens before instituting treatment?
Carolina Hernandez
7 de septiembre de 2016
Puedo acceder a este producto aca en Panama? Si es asi en cual tienda lo consigo? Me interesa muxo debido a q tube una perdida d dos camadas de lechones luego del destete hace ya 3 meses y actualmente tengo cerdas en período d gestación y quisiera prevenir una situacion como esa
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