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Field trial of Muco-defen in a Sow’s farm

Published: December 26, 2017
By: Life Rainbow Biotech Co., Ltd.

Probiotics are considered to have the beneficial effect on maintaining intestinal ecosystem, enhancement mucosal barrier functions, and improving livestock performance. Muco-defen (Life Rainbow Biotech Co., Ltd. Taiwan) is the product composed of selected Bacillus strains via patent solid-state fermentation process to ensure the 2nd metabolites production, and formulated with essential oil, that can prevent colonization of pathogens by competition exclusion and a specified 2nd metabolites were identified and proof showing the bactericidal activity on intestinal pathogens. The purpose of this trial is to evaluate the intestinal microflora changes during nursery phase in sows after Muco-defen administration in diets.

A total 24 sows were used in a 21-days experiment. In control group, 12 sows received standard diet and 12 sows received a diet supplemented with 2 kg/ton of Muco-defen. The fecal microbiota of E.coli were significantly decreased and presented an increasing tendency on Lactobacilllus spp. in the group by using Muco-defen. Our results indicate the Bacillus spp. through solid-state fermentation diet promising to improve the intestinal health during nursery phase in sows.

Many bacterial species, including Bacillus spp. can produce several types of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which have antimicrobial activity against a range of potential pathogens of animals.

Muco-defen composed of Bacillus subtilis FMN68, Bacillus licheniformis FMN151 and their byproducts, biosurfactant, which produced through solid state fermentation. The extracts are thermostable which can antagonize the growth of intestinal pathogens, including Clostridium perfringens, Brachyspira hyodysentriae, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella enterica, while sustain the growth of Lactobacillus salivarius. The objective of this trial was to access the potential of Muco-defen to release the stress during farrowing and lactation phase in sows. In addition, the intestinal health was evaluated by determining the fecal microbiota.
Material and Methods
The experiment was conducted in the farm of south area in Taiwan. A total 24 pregnant sows (crossbreds of Yorkshire and Danish Landrace, LY) housed in individual cages during gestation phase, the trial were run for 21-days. Sows were divided into two dietary treatment groups (control diet vs treatment group).The control diet was standard feed for sows, and the treatment diet was the standard feed supplemented with 2 kg/ton of Muco-defen. The feeding period was from 7th days before farrowing to the 2nd weeks of lactation phase. At the end of trial, all feces were collected from individual sows to determine the fecal microbiota.
All collected fecal microorganisms were analyzed according to the Taiwan regulation, “Methods of Test for Food Microorganisms” after 21 days of feeding. Totally, 9.54x10^9 cfu/ml of E.coli from feces were found in control diet, while 7.04x10^7 cfu/ml of E.coli were counted in the treatment group. The numbers of E.coli were significantly decreased in Muco-defen group. The counts of Lactobacillus spp.were also determined from the fecal samples. Although the data did not show significant difference between two groups, as represented 7.82x10^7 cfu/ml and 7.88x10^7 cfu/ml for control and Muco-defen group respectively, the slight tendency still can be implied.
Field trial of Muco-defen in a Sow’s farm - Image 1
This trial was conducted with Muco-defen to determine the fecal microbiota. The counts of E.coli from feces were significantly decreased, and tendency to increase Lactobacillus count in the Muco-defen administrated sows in this trial. This efficacy of intestinal health may help to improve the defense against lactation stress and providing a well-nursery intestinal environment for piglets.
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