Dear S.D. Jayasooriya et al!
Prof. V. S. Kryukov welcomes you!
I wrote a great review on selenium – it will be interesting to You. Unfortunately, I only write in Russian. However, You can translate it into English using your computer. The journal does not provide articles for free access.
If you provide your address, I will send you the article.
To begin with, there is a great deception: chemists in the field of organic chemistry will not be able to understand by this name what with they are talking about, because in organic chemistry there is no substance corresponding to this name. You can check at any University in the Department of organic chemistry.
Really, think about it: SELENO-me-TIO-nine, and where in this substance is TIO (sulfur)? It is replaced by SELENO- (selenium). On this basis the correct name of the substance: the me-SELENO-nin or meselenonine. The name "Selenomethionine" was invented for advertising purposes and, unfortunately, it has taken root and is used without thinking in scientific articles.
My E. mail: