“Swine Antibiotic Use” By: Paul Walker Thompson Date: 5/27/2016 Though it has been proven that most Human Antibiotic Resistance is due to Human Doctors, not Swine Production; Swine Antibiotic use will decline in the U.S. This is due to our government’s ruling banning Growth Promotants in Swine Feed, and the new requirements on methods of use for Preventative and Curative Antibiotics. The good news is that there are many Alternatives To Antibiotics, such as Minerals (Zinc and Copper), Probiotics, Prebiotics, Essential Oils, Yeast, and others. We can have good Swine Production while using only a minimal amount of Antibiotics. Part of this New Way Of Swine Production relies heavily on good Biosecurity and good Vaccination Programs. Work closely with your Veterinarian on these new changes. In the name of Jesus be blessed every day of your life! Paul Walker Thompson