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#Swine health
Article published the April 25, 2024
Introduction:Extended-spectrum penicillins have a similar spectrum of activity to 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins and they include aminopenicillins such as amoxicillin and ampicillin and amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid. Bacterial resistance to extended-spectrum penicillins has evolved rapidly in recent years specially in Enterobacteriaceae because these bacteria could carry b ...
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Giampietro Sandri likes this technical article:
IntroductionThe controversy that disease was transmitted by invisible life forms stretches back centuries dating to Aristotle (300BC) who believed that all life originated from soil and Virgil (40BC) who believed that bees came from honey and maggots originated from warm meat. It was Spallanzani who showed that no maggots arose from boiled meat while others showed that simple cotton ...
Participation in Forum on August 5, 2021
Unfortunately I’ m one of the gray haired who attended the other Rio Ipvs and couldn’t attend this. Reading your excellent paper only partially compensate the missed opportunity to hear it on site
Giampietro Sandri likes this technical article:
Introduction The founding objectives of the IPVS were to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and information concerning pig health and disease, to encourage the formation of pig veterinary societies in all countries and to foster cooperation among them. In 1969, Dr. Tom Alexander chaired the Organizing Committee of the inaugural IPVS congress in Cambridge, UK. Tom embodied and shaped t ...
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INTRODUCTIONIn 2016, 63% of U.S. market hog sales originated in Iowa and the surrounding six states (USDA, 2017). While Midwest swine production is in a unique position of being favorably located geographically, such density increases the risk of disease transmission among farms.Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is the costliest disease facing pig producers. Holtkamp et a ...
Participation in Forum on January 8, 2018
Why swine Flu ? It’s a human Flu. What’s the complete genome set up of this virus ? Probably the genes originarono from swine only represent a small percentage. Let’not Messi up things with unproper definitions
Article published the September 30, 2016
Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) is known to be a primary respiratory pathogen for swine inducing typical lung lesions. In Europe and in Italy subtypes H1N1, H3N2 and H1N2 are almost endemic in many pig producing areas although with different prevalences in different countries in different times. In most of the cases SIV induces an acute infection of the respiratory tract whose consequences are dependi ...
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This member gave a presentation on May 23, 2013
At the following event:
5th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management 2013
This member had joined Engormix
March 1, 2013
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Forums(2)
Location:Verona, Veneto, Italia
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
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