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Video published on November 22, 2022
Guillermo Tellez-Isaias (University of Arkansas) gives a talk on the interactions between diet ingredients, gut microbiome, nervous system, immune system, endocrine system and mitochondria, during the Symposium on Gut Health in St. Louis, USA.
Video published on November 18, 2022
Guillermo Tellez-Isaias (University of Arkansas) explains how enzymes can further benefit the microbiota, during the Symposium on Gut Health in St. Louis, USA.
Video published on February 20, 2020
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) discussed his research on the correlation between adipose tissue and woody breast, during IPPE 2020 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on November 28, 2019
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) gave his presentation on intestinal health and some of the most important factors involved, during AMENA 2019 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Video published on November 25, 2019
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) presented published results conducted on a Bacillus direct-fed microbial to increase performance, during the 8th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA.
Video published on November 21, 2019
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) shared the enteric inflammation models that his laboratory has developed, during the 8th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA.
Video published on March 18, 2019
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) discussed intestinal inflammation, viscosity, translocation of bacteria and overall gut health, during IPPE 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on March 15, 2019
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) shared his insights on gut health and the different studies done on the alternatives to control Necrotic Enteritis, during IPPE 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on March 2, 2018
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) talked about the benefits of DFM and how they act when administered in the feed or in the water, during IPPE 2018 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on March 2, 2018
Guillermo Tellez (University of Arkansas) spoke on the advances of the industry on gut health, especially when using probiotics, during IPPE 2018 in Atlanta, USA.
equalizer Statistics: Articles(61)Videos(12)Forums(5)
Location:Fayetteville, Estados Unidos de América
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Research
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