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Article published the June 15, 2017
Relative feed value has been used for a number of years to indicate the overall feed value of forage. In recent years, there have been some changes considered to make this assessment more accurate in regards to predicting the feed value of forage.It is well accepted that there is a correlation between the acid detergent fiber (ADF) portion of forage and the energy value of the forage. One of the p ...
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Article published the May 4, 2017
IntroductionFrom the moment the alfalfa is cut until it is delivered to the animal, biological and mechanical processes take place that decrease quantity and nutritional quality of alfalfa. Our goal is to conserve the digestible fiber, protein, and energy in the forage and to maintain protein in a form that can be effectively utilized by the ruminant.The approach is to harvest at the correct stage ...
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Article published the March 29, 2017
 IntroductionDr. David Mertens (2012), USDA-DFRC, proposed that the five most important nutritional measurements for hay crops are: dry matter (DM), ash, amylase-treated neutral detergent fiber (aNDF), some measure of digestibility or energy value, and crude protein (CP). More and more, these parameters can be estimated on-farm, or at least one can receive a flag as to when a parameter has ch ...
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Participation in Forum on September 23, 2013
Phytate can be measured if a good data base of samples with chemistry exists to build the initial NIR Equation. The reliability and difference among equations for feed types depends on how the NIR equation is build. A reliable equation could be build to work across grain types. Many farmers have not bought real time NIR devices because of the cost and the extra time involved. I think it will e ...
Video published on August 23, 2013
Daniel J. Undersander, Professor at the University of Wisconsin, USA, speaks about the most common mistakes in Corn Silage Management at the International Symposium on Forage Quality and Conservation sponsored by Lallemand Animal Nutrition, July 22, 2013, Brazil.
Video published on August 23, 2013
Daniel J. Undersander, Professor at the University of Wisconsin, USA, gives his point of view on the future of NIR in animal nutrition at the International Symposium on Forage Quality and Conservation sponsored by Lallemand Animal Nutrition, July 22, 2013, Brazil.
Article published the July 17, 2013
IntroductionDairymen use feed and forage testing to reduce feed costs and maximize production. As such, accuracy of the feed tests are of great concern. The true objective of a forage or feed analysis is to predict animal performance from the forage and feed used in a ration formulated to meet nutrient requirements. This means that dairymen must consider, first, does the test relate to animal perf ...
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August 15, 2012
equalizer Statistics: Articles(4)Videos(3)Forums(1)
Location:Middleton, Wisconsin, United States
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Agricultural Engineer
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