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Magdy Elkady
Ph. D. In veterinary sciences
Research and Diagnostic services in poultry Diseases.
Ph. D. In veterinary sciences
This member gave a presentation on January 23, 2023
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2023
Participation in Forum on October 25, 2018
Dear Greg MathisI would like to ask you about the use of zinc sources, did you use them through drinking water or as feed additives?And what are the regular requirements for broiler chickens?
Magdy Elkady likes this technical article:
Respiratory problems are among the most important problems facing the poultry industry in Egypt. It is the first problem in poultry breeding farms, regardless of the type of poultry reared in these farms (broiler breeders- layer breeders- commercial broilers – commercial layers-native breeds). There are many factors that help to spread these respiratory problems in poultry farms such as: &n ...
Participation in Forum on September 11, 2016
In addition to what described by the previous comments, any viral or bacterial infecting the respiratory system leading to oxygen insufficiency such as : IB, H9N2, and CCRD may incriminating in the condition as it usually seen in the end of some courses of such infections.
This member had joined Engormix
February 27, 2010
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Forums(2)
Location:Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Ph. D. In veterinary sciences
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