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Levucell yeast by Lallemand animal nutrition, France which is also available in Punjab,India is a great product in this regard. I am dairy farming with 200 HF and Jersey cows in Punjab ,where temperature is soaring 44 degree centigrade in these days. Levucell always showed positive milk production results. It helps in maintaining the good dry matter intake of dairy cows even in harsh summer of Pun ...
Article published the July 2, 2012
Heat stress could cost the dairy producer up to 400 €/cow/year (Saint Pierre et al., 2003). Around 80% of these losses are associated with drop of productivity, and 20% with health issues: impaired reproduction and immunity, which translate into increased mortality and mastitis frequency etc. In 2011, Prof. Burgos Zimbelman and Collier, from University of Arizona revised the heat stress scale ...
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Participation in Forum on May 31, 2011
During this meeting, discussions show that fibre plays a very important role for ruminants for dietetic and nutritional reasons. Fiber degradation depends on many factors and can be modulated from the crop to the animal. At animal level, fibre degradation occurs mainly in the rumen. Increased this parameter can only be achieved with perfect rumen conditions. Rumen modifiers like Monensin or Live Y ...
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November 17, 2009
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