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Participation in Forum on January 3, 2020
Would you tell us more about the Vitamin D level given in the feeds ? Regards.
Participation in Forum on January 3, 2020
Your study confirms that pullets fed the lowest dietary AA level had the largest deposits of abdominal fat at end of rearing and onset of lay. So this is supposed to help average sexual maturity of your experimental flock. Is the low dietary AA level in rearing results in earlier sexual maturity? Higher early egg size? Better peak of lay?Or is the low dietary AA level in rearing had positive or ne ...
Participation in Forum on September 27, 2016
If you want to introduce fiber and/or reduce feed cost: - to lower ME level in you feed and in broiler for instance, accept a slight increase in FCR. Effect in growth may not be great. - to secure quality control of your local and high fiber raw material.
Participation in Forum on September 22, 2016
Thank-you. The article "Pak Vet J 2015, 35(2): 212-216" mention "There was no significant effect of lignocellulose inclusion into the diet on broiler performance indices" and as you know in broiler, technical and economical performances are the driving force.So two comments:- Results is the field or in the "real world" can be different especially when we talk about gut balance and mortality.- Ther ...
Article published the September 9, 2016
In modern poultry nutrition, traditional fibre sources are associated with some negative attributes such as energy dilution of the diet and mycotoxin contamination and are usually not included during linear formulation. However, fibre is also suggested to have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and the intestinal health including for poultry. While some nutritionists believe that crude ...
remove_red_eye 1468
forum 18
Article published the September 13, 2010
Many studies are carried out under perfect husbandry conditions within experimental research farms, i.e. individual housing or small pens with good access to feeding and drinking equipment (less competition for feed and water), climate controlled ventilation (no temperature stress or accumulation of ammonia) and clean cages with wire floors or good litter condition (less infectious challenge press ...
remove_red_eye 1499
forum 7
Article published the May 20, 2010
The increase in demand for cheap food and advent of modern production methods in agriculture have given rise to the use of synthetic compounds in feed, for example, sub-therapeutic antibiotic supplementation. For the past half-century, low, prophylactic doses of antibiotics have been standard practice. Although the response to antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) depends on a number of factors, inclu ...
remove_red_eye 660
forum 1
This member gave a presentation on March 2, 2010
At the following event:
Poultry Focus Asia 2010
He attended the event:
3/1/2010 - Thailand
This member had joined Engormix
June 3, 2009
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)Forums(4)
Location:Reguiny, Bretagne, France
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Specialist in Animal Nutrition
Followers (20)