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Yasin Amro
Veterinary Doctor
Veterinary Doctor
Participation in Forum on September 26, 2019
As treatment of this case amprolium 50-60-% in drinking water for 5 days, at the same time use vitamin k and vitamin AD3E for 7 days, for secondary enteritis infection use amoxicillin in drinking water for at least 3 days. For the coming Flocks it is better to use vaccines in the first week to prevent the infection during the production period.
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IntroductionMaternal immunity for Newcastle Disease (ND) can be quantified with Haemagglutination Inhibition(HI) test. Titres are expressed as log 2 values. Titres in a group are analysed statistically and mean titre in a group depicts status of flock immunity. Quantification of HI titre at day old age and subsequent quantification at weekly interval can determine the maternal antibody interferenc ...
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Dr. Greg Mathis (Southern Poultry Research) talks about the two main diseases in poultry and explains how to control them, during the 5th IHSIG Symposium on Poultry Intestinal Health in Bangkok, Thailand.
Participation in Forum on November 1, 2015
From our experience, You don't need to play too much with feed because the most known broiler breeds have nutrition Guieds for better results, so I prefere to concentrate on ventilation and house tempretures, if you can keep them near the optimum case you'll properly reduce the Ascites problem. this will increase your cost in winter but at the same time will save your birds.
Participation in Forum on March 8, 2015
It is not easy to prevent infection with LPAI (H9N2) if it is endemic in a country or region. To control the disease, there are many things you can do: - Be sure that the one day old chickens having good maternal antibodies for LPAI. - Apply good biosecurity practices at all levels of your cycle. - Vaccinate the chickens with well known and approoved vaccines. - Apply very good management pra ...
Participation in Forum on October 18, 2011
We are using Bursaplex - in ovo IBD complex vaccination- and it is working very good.
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November 27, 2008
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Location:Amman, `Amman, Jordan
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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