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This award recognizes the achievements of PSA members in the early stages of their career in the poultry industry. It is given every other year. Roshan Adhikari CJ America Inc. Roshan was born and raised on a laying hen family farm in Nepal. He received his veterinary degree from Tribhuvan University, Nepal, and his master's degree in London, UK. After his master's, he worked at the Universit ...
Participation in Forum on June 17, 2023
Intestinal spirochaete infections in laying hens are frequently overlooked. In addition to reduced egg production and growth rates, delayed onset of egg production, and increased feed consumption, they can also result in wet droppings. The two pathogenic species more commonly involved are Brachyspira intermedia and B. pilosicoli. They should be ruled out in a case like yours.
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This important topic has been on my radar as an animal nutritionist. I added the take-home message from this excellent talk to my list below. Thanks for sharing! Some solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress: 1. Dietary considerations: 1.1. stimulate feed intake by feeding crumble; feed during the cool hours as much as possible; increase feeding frequency; top-dress the feed using ...
This member gave a presentation on January 24, 2022
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2022
Video published on April 11, 2019
Dr. Hector M. Cervantes, Senior Manager, Poultry Veterinary Services, Phibro Animal Health Corporation, gave this presentation during the 2018 NIAA Antibiotic Symposium: New Science & Technology Tools for Antibiotic Stewardship.
This member had joined Engormix
January 15, 2021
equalizer Statistics: Videos(1)Forums(1)
Location:Athens, Georgia, Estados Unidos de América
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Médico Veterinario / DVM, MSc, Dipl. ACPV / Senior Manager Poultry Veterinary Services
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