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Participation in Forum on April 11, 2022
yusuf dambha You will always need new fresh air to come into the house. It is when you want to go to minimum ventilation. A small, uniform opening ensures that minimum ventilation rates will enter the house high above the birds during cool weather. This also reduces drafts and allows the entering air to mix and be tempered before coming into contact with the birds. The best way to do this is to ...
Article published the April 11, 2022
IntroductionMost of the population in the tropics depend on poultry as their significant source of protein supply. The harsh climate conditions in this region are making it harder to have optimal performance in poultry production. This results in a lesser everyday supply of protein. In the past few years, poultry production has had an important role in the global agricultural industry. Asia, South ...
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Article published the August 25, 2020
A guide to choosing the right ventilation concept for your farmIn this guide, you’ll read about the different ventilation concepts used in poultry and pig housing around the world. A ventilation concept is how you position air inlets, chimneys, fans, etc. in the barn. When we look around we see that every house or farm is different and you will find that there are variations on these concept ...
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This member had joined Engormix
August 17, 2020
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Forums(1)
Location:'s Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: Sales Manager