Participation in Forum on October 9, 2018
this is very good quality article
labib mohamed likes the video:
SafMannan® is a proven effective solution to help shrimp to have better resistance and performance!
labib mohamed likes the comment:
Umer,Good morning. Yes, our machine can be used on shrimp and aquafeeds. If and when you plug the machine, you have to remove the shaft from the barrel and clean the machine that way. You would remove the die plate at the end, remove the breaker screws, and some other items to remove the shaft out of the end of the machine. Thank you for your questions!Best Regards,Amanda
Participation in Forum on September 15, 2018
Please, I want shrimp projects in the world and ask about production of 300 micron of feed pellet by die or crumbler.
This member had joined Engormix
September 15, 2018