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ADIL MOHAMED GORASHI likes the video:
Armitra Jackson-Davis (Alabama A&M University) explained her research on the benefits of Yucca extract in combination with organic acids, during IPPE 2020 in Atlanta, USA.
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Hello there, long time no see. Good and interesting work Mike, but let me make a comment here. This balance fermentable CH/Protein you talk about, how would it be possible to let´s say, monitor in some way. I would argue how different that could be depending on which grain is the main one used in your diets - barley, wheat, corn -, and how much it can vary if the enzyme used is a simple acti ...
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Infectious Bronchitis has been always a big challenge in prevention and control the disease. The intensive farming tech. has added and increased the bio burden to a level that almost every flock gets exposed to it. The early exposure to immunosuppressive agents adds to increase the severity of the disease. The problem has also been observed all over the world including US, which has more severity ...
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At present, I am using administering Formi-NDF on broilers and layers and have not experienced coccidiosis on my birds. This substance contains sodium formate and formic acid but it is hygroscopic. The acidic nature helps prevent favourable environment for bacteria and other microbes.
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March 28, 2018
Location:Riyadh, Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia
Profile: Professional