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Article published the August 21, 2018
Potassium diformate (KDF) is a specifically conjugated acid double-salt, patented by ADDCON and traded as FORMI on the European and world-market. Potassium diformate has been approved in the European Union as a non-antibiotic growth promoter for use in diets for piglets, growing-finishing pigs and in sows. It was also registered as the first replacement for in-feed antibiotics world-wide. Previous ...
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Article published the June 15, 2018
Potassium diformate (KDF) is a specifically conjugated acid double-salt (HCOOH HCOOK), patented by ADDCON and traded as FORMI on the European and world-markets. Potassium diformate has been approved in the European Union as a non-antibiotic growth promoter for use in diets for piglets, growing-finishing pigs and in sows. It was also registered as the first replacement for in-feed antibiotics world ...
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This member gave a presentation on March 22, 2018
At the following event:
Pig, Poultry & Dairy Focus Asia 2018
DVM Stevan Petrovic likes the comment:
Dear Muzzamal, good to hear from you! Thanks for your comment! Yes, I clearly agree that the third generation of acidfier, like Formi Alpha, will be a valuable addition to the list of possible alternatives for AGP's - the opportunities to move forward to a sustainable poultry production are certainly present!
DVM Stevan Petrovic likes the comment:
Hi, Christian, Nice to read that Formi Alpha introduce in middle east positively. In recent Pakistan poultry industry also change and will in search of alternates of AGP's. Therefore Formi NDF as well Formi Alpha will also has a great oppertunity here... Regards, Muzzamal ijaz
DVM Stevan Petrovic likes this technical article:
Enteric disorders are one of the most important groups of diseases which affect poultry production world-wide and they are continuing to cause high economic losses due to increased mortality rates, decreased weight gain, increased medication costs, and increased feed conversion rates (HAFEZ, 2011). Estimates of the annual costs of poultry-associated cases of salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis, t ...
Participation in Forum on October 17, 2017
Well done Christian!
DVM Stevan Petrovic likes the comment:
Hi Christian really interesting many thanks for this nice speach.
DVM Stevan Petrovic likes this technical article:
Addcon claims to have found a way to control Gram-positive bacteria.Ever since the ban on in feed antibiotics in Europe, scientists have looked for ways to control harmful bacteria. By means of directly fed microbials, prebiotics which nurture beneficial bacteria, phytogenics or organic acids, this target can be achieved only partially. While it is possible to have a direct impact on Gram-negative ...
Participation in Forum on March 7, 2017
Dear Dr. Puvaca, I was wondering if you used during this trial a special product that contains hot pepper or pure raw materials eg. spicy red pepper that is used in human nutrition. Thanks in advance for your response. --------- Dragi doktore Puvaca, interesuje me da li ste prilikom ovog ispitivanja koristili neki posebni proizvod koji u sebi sadrzi ljutu papriku ili cistu sirovinu npr. ljutu crve ...
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Location:Jagodina , Belgrado, Serbia
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
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