Cies Roskam likes the comment:
As with any "feed" culturing scheme some things must be considered: Bio-concentration of heavy metals, Chlorinated compounds, antibiotic resistant bacteria and so on. There is a "cost" to consider; how efficient is the conversion of the raw material to product? Any trophic level jump costs energy and produces waste, meaning the price of the feedstock (it is not free, transport, standardization, ...
Participation in Forum on October 18, 2016
I agree that aquaculture is an efficient system to produce large quantities of animal protein for human consumption. But the quality and type of the feed is an important factor. As long as fish meal and fish oils are used, it might be efficient, but definitely not sustainable. The focus should not be "efficient" but "sustainable and efficient" aquaculture. I see no reason why these cannot be combi ...
Cies Roskam likes the comment:
I would like to know a bit about your interests in black soldier fly production. Some of the answers to your questions can be found by searching literature authored by Craid Sheppard and G. Larry Newton. The migration is over 4 ft. Larvae production depends on the type of substrate and the dry matter conversion is also dependent on the type of substrate, due to variability in nutrient compositi ...
This member had joined Engormix
June 21, 2016
equalizer Statistics: Forums(1)
Location:Querétaro, Queretaro de Arteaga, Mexico
Profile: Agricultural producer
Occupation: Founder and director of ProEnto, with the focus on the production of lauric acid and insect meal