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Horst Auerbach likes the comment:
Yes, you can - but as outlined before the use of pure formic acid may cause some negative side-effects due to its volatile, corrosive and dangerous nature. We advice therefore to use formic acid containing salts, like sodium diformate. This crystalline molecule can reach, due to its double-bond structure, deep into the GI-tract of a bird. Sodium diformate has been widely used the world over in lay ...
Article published the September 8, 2017
IntroductionSodium nitrite (SN) has been widely used in Europe as a component of silage additives that strongly inhibits clostridia. As SN is rapidly converted to nitric oxides and ammonia during the early fermentation phase, this compound is applied in combination with other chemicals, which prevent clostridia development during later stages of the fermentation process. Those substances can be he ...
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Article published the July 7, 2017
IntroductionPressed sugar beet pulp (PSBP) is frequently ensiled in plastic bags and represent a valuable feed component of feed rations for ruminants. However, its high susceptibility to fungal infestation during feed-out, especially in summer, often results in low stability and poor hygienic quality (Kalzendorf, 2007). Therefore, especially the use of chemical additives containing salts of sorbi ...
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June 6, 2016
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Location:Almuñécar, Andalucia, Spain
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