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abalu efe
abalu efe likes the comment:
In addition, the antibiotics used for this purpose are not absorbed and work in the intestinal tract resulting in healthier chickens, thus accounting for the improved performance. They are NOT absorbed into the chicken's body and thus not passed on to the consumer. I may not be totally correct (but I think I am) the growth-promoting antibiotics used in the US poultry industry are not used in human ...
abalu efe likes the comment:
Congratulations on the article, considering the importance of the revised article. I take this to reaffirm some points that I mentioned earlier. Based on the information contained in this review, it can be perfectly deduced that, in practice, the reduction in feed crude protein, which is based on the ratio of essential amino acids to lysine, is the ideal protein for the animal category in question ...
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Kristjan Bregendahl (Devenish Nutrition) discussed amino acid profile studies and ratio estimations, during the Multi-State Poultry Feeding and Nutrition Conference in Indianapolis, USA.
abalu efe likes the comment:
Good job Dr. Bregendahl, we need to see more data on amino acids nutrition in modern prolific laying hen in different production environments (housing in particular).
Participation in Forum on May 27, 2019
Thanks Dr. Vivek Kuttappan for your response. But my question was on a general terms. I will appreciate it Sir, if you could help give the steps and procedures of extraction and dosage consideration
Participation in Forum on April 23, 2019
How do you make an extract and know the required dosage for usage?
abalu efe likes the comment:
Been using AMINONIR for 3 years and it is indeed a very valuable tool for Nutritionists.
abalu efe likes the comment:
Thanks for this has come up, I have used the frozen strain and eye drop at the age of 6 weeks with a repeat at 9 weeks. However, mycoplasmosis has often times attached me. It's true it's not easy to control on a farm with multiples eggs of laying birds and that is what I have. The birds that I have not vaccinated also safer in the same way like those vaccinated however when I treat with tylosin 20 ...
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April 3, 2016
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Location:Lagos, Lagos, Niger
Profile: Agricultural producer
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