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Video published on October 6, 2022
Karen Wedekind, Comparative nutrition manager at Novus International, highlights the benefits of using Organic trace minerals as an important factor that can positively impact bone and cartilage development in monogastrics
Article published the April 27, 2020
Background and objectives Pharmacological levels of zinc oxide (ZnO) are widely used in the weaning pig diets to promote growth and prevent post-weaning diarrhea. This practice is not environmentally sustainable; therefore, an effective alternative is warranted to be investigated. The objective of this study is to evaluate supplementation of Zn as Zn methionine hydroxy analogue chelate (Zn-MHAC, ...
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Article published the July 11, 2019
Trypsin inhibitors (TI) and urease activity (UA) are the two most relevant quality measurements for soybean products as feed ingredients for animals. TI were reported to be correlated with UA, so feed processing plants use UA as an indicator of TI in soybean meal (SBM). The objectives of this study were to determine the levels of TI and UA in 414 SBM samples from 19 different countries in 5 world ...
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Article published the November 9, 2018
Abstract A battery study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of phytase superdosing in improving growth performance, pancreatic response, and nutrient digestibility of broilers with a high trypsin inhibitor model. There were 5 dietary treatments: positive control (PC), negative control 1 (NC1), NC1+ 1500 U/kg phytase, negative control 2 (NC2), and NC2 + 1500 U/kg phytase. In NC1 and NC2, the S ...
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This member gave a presentation on January 29, 2018
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2018
Article published the July 19, 2016
Soybean products are the most important source of dietary protein for poultry in the US and much of the world. Variation in protein quality among soy ingredients can occur due to processing. Full fat extruded soybeans (FFES) are an alternative to conventional solvent-extracted soybean meal (SBM), but may have higher levels of trypsin inhibitors (TI). The use of exogenous protease in poultry diets ...
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Article published the July 19, 2016
Copper (Cu) has been widely used at pharmacological levels (e.g., 125 ppm) as growth promoter in poultry. However, the mechanism by which high levels of Cu promote growth remains to be determined. It is commonly recognized that Cu exerts anti-microbial effects in the gut but there is not much direct and consistent data showing that Cu alters the population of bacterial species in birds. The object ...
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This member gave a presentation on January 25, 2016
At the following event:
IPPE 2016 - International Production & Processing Expo 2016
This member gave a presentation on January 25, 2016
At the following event:
IPPE 2016 - International Production & Processing Expo 2016
This member had joined Engormix
January 14, 2016
equalizer Statistics: Articles(5)Videos(1)
Location:Estados Unidos de América
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Ph. D. / Gerente e I&D en Nutrición Comparada
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