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1. IntroductionLivestock plays an important role in the Indian economy. Livestock sector recorded growth in value of output about 4.8 % per annum. The eleventh five year plan expected higher growth in twelfth five year plan. The increased demand for protein foods in the country is the main driver for growth, which also includes small stakeholders and landless farmers, account for major share in ow ...
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IntroductionQuail farming is very important for providing jobs and producing high quality protein at a low cost. Nutrition during the growing phase of the birds can influence their performance during the production phase. Most research has focused on the nutritional requirements of quails during the laying phase and there is little information about requirements during the growing phase. Quails ar ...
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L-GLYCINE  is used as a ligand to form the chelate.  Glycine has the lowest molecular weight with a high bonding capacity to the mineral.  Glycine has a specific site of absorption (active and passive)  in the intestine compared to Methionine, Cystine etc.  Reaction between Glycine and mineral is complete to yield a specific mineral chelate. As glycine is the ...
Participation in Forum on December 25, 2017
Jordache good morning because I have the same problem, I will transfer my opinion to you,at my own factory we noticed that the weigh-in is missing and we have uncooked,and after we corrected this, we lost about 1% of various will be a good idea to get your factory maker to improve your opium.
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IntroductionPlant materials including flowers, roots, bark, leaves, seeds, peel, fruits, and wood can be used to extract aromatic and volatile liquids known as essential oils (EOs) (1–3). These EOs have a long history of use for medical purposes, in perfumes and cosmetics, and as herbs and spices for foods. EOs are considered to be secondary metabolites in plants; secondary metabolites are o ...
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Introduction:Rice is considered one of the world’s most important crops and is a major part of the food culture in Asia, Latin America, Africa and other parts of the world. The global rice production is steadily increasing to meet the growing demand for food from a rapidly rising global population. The Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) – United Nations estimated that 2015 ...
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