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Article published the April 12, 2018
 Click here to enlarge the image The aim of the corn survey 2017 was to screen corn samples received from Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina during August to November 2017. The samples were analysed by UHPLC-based multi-mycotoxin method for the determination and quantitation of all mycotoxins (Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2, Ochratoxin A, Zearalenone, Deoxynivalenol, Fumonisin B1&B2, T ...
remove_red_eye 271
forum 5
He attended the event:
9/28/2017 - Taiwan
He attended the event:
1/27/2016 - Russian Federation
This member gave a presentation on October 23, 2015
At the following event:
He attended the event:
10/20/2015 - Mexico
He attended the event:
6/24/2015 - Philippines
Article published the May 19, 2015
Keywords:  aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, E568, E567, zeolites organomodificationMYCOTOXINS are secondary toxic metabolites of saprophytic moulds and they enter organisms of humans and animals through food and feed. The first data about detrimental effects of mouldy food in China dates back to 3000 years B.C. Yellow rice toxin disease was recorded in Japan at the end of the XIX century, when peo ...
remove_red_eye 389
forum 2
He attended the event:
3/11/2015 - Thailand
He attended the event:
5/22/2014 - Netherlands
Participation in Forum on March 6, 2014
Postovana Ivana, Moje ime je Jasna Bosnjak, DVM i menadzer sam izvoza u kompaniji Patent co. Kompanija Patent co. je kompanija koja ima vise od 20 godina iskustva u borbi protiv mikotoksina. Sa tim u vezi,izuzetno nam je drago i podrzavamo svako istrazivanje u Srbiji vezano za oblast mikotoksina. Zainteresovani da se sastanemo i popricamo o mogucnostima saradnje na ovom polju. Kako bi vam se b ...
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)Forums(1)
Location:Belgrade, Serbia
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Export Manager
Participations in events:
Followers (32)