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Block technology

Lick Block Technology - A New Tool For Feeding

Published: December 7, 2011
By: Dr.P.George Kunju John
Feeding has been evolved to be an important tool to in feeding to support animal production. When the production enhancement was considered a task in animal industry balanced animal rations were developed. The ration consists of forages, grain, protein meals and other concentrate feeds. The above ration may contain elements required and not required by the animal. It was arduous to separate the not required elements which may require sophisticated process engineering which may increase the ration cost significantly. In the above process animal fails to use its natural instinct to find and eat its required elements. Therefore the not required elements were consumed and later voided as ding.
The natural instinct of the animal to sense nitrogen and consume to meet its nutritional requirement was studied by using urea molasses block in sheep (PJG Kunju 1981). It is shown below:
Lick Block Technology - A New Tool For Feeding - Image 1
The sheep licked the molasses block when the rumen ammonia level ped to 50 mg/L and stopped licking when the level was around 200mg/L. That confirms the animal's capacity to sense ammonia and consume as per its requirement. The above capability of the animal is exploited to develop the lick block technology.
It was known in ancient times that the animal physicians in Egypt had developed calcium blocks to dispense medicaments for animals. The calcium sulphate blocks were used in South Africa also.
The major differences between feeding and licking technologies are given below:
Consume in total
Consume as per the need
Consists of required and non required elements
Only required elements
Nutrients availability depends on digestibility
The ingredients are highly digestible
Around 40% feed is voided
Totally absorbed
Wastages are more
No wastages
Only a portion could be rumen bypass
Keeping the lick at higher place to enable cow to lick by head up position may induce esophageal groove to open to abomasum
Production largely depend on feed intake
Offset nutritional shortages
Lick Blocks Development & Uses
Salt Blocks were widely used in the last century. Since sodium chloride stimulates the appetite of the animal it was welcomed by farmers. Also it prevented the wishes of eating to some extend. Along with salt blocks mineral blocks also were evolved. While researching into the possibility of crop residue utilization which was the main stay of the ration in developing countries urea treatment was developed. This paved way to the development of urea molasses block. While UMB was developed with a process of engineering approach in NDDB. India (PJG Kunju, AK Mehta & MR Garg 1983 Indian Patents) FAO gave a farmer's non technical approach. Therefore two process as hot and clod process were evolved. Since NDDB decided to economize the product the hot process was abandoned. The feed technology theories that urea could be dissolved in molasses at 70 degree C was ignored and mixed with molasses and solidified with the action of gelling agents like CaO, cement or bentonite. The proper designing of the lick block plant to bring down 20% moisture by scraped heating of molasses and mixing the dry materials to dryness could make a hard, lickable block of non hygroscopy.
The evolution of UMB opened a way for the development of several lick blocks with different nutritional functions. Therefore the lick blocks such as energy blocks, protein blocks, sugar blocks, broiler goat blocks and calf maker blocks were developed. In addition to that several specialized blocks as medicated blocks, horse, camel, rabbit and ostrich blocks were developed as per the demand of the market.
Looking to the great nutritional benefits of lick block technology it is perceived that lick blocks could be the future tool for feeding to support the animal production.
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Dr.P.George Kunju John
Dr.P.George Kunju John
30 de diciembre de 2011

Dear Dr Khan,
Pleased with your comments.The most disgusting factor is no one is ready to consider Lick Block Technology as a hitech product manufactured in a enginnering plant. I take all the care while formulating to keep the palatability, nutrient density, lickability, non hygroscopy.hardness. Today farmers buy commercial feed. I hope if hitech licks are made available they may be willing to use it. . After a long years over 40 in the feed technology development I feel that no onw is interested in technologies but to make money by cheeating poor farmers.As I had started my carrier attending the sick animals housed is dilapedated sheds. I used to enjoy to see the smiling face of poor farmer while I remove the calf from a torn uterus. Later, I accepted feed mill profession to support the farmers by enhancing milk production. We the scientits should fight for farmers aand select right technology for them.n

Dr.P.George Kunju John
29 de diciembre de 2011
Dear All, Salt licks are manufactured in lick plants by companies and sold to farmers. The lick block technology advocates a better approach to animal nutrition. The universities who spend huge funds for several feeding concepts ignore such advantageous technologies. Like feed companies lick block plants should come for development. The universities and ICAR spent millions for straw treatment and could not get a single farmer to do it. Transfering technologies directly to farmers would defeat it miserably.
Sushil Chandra
29 de diciembre de 2011
Traceminerals with sodium chloride lick block(brick) have been and commonly being used in Punjab and other northernpart of India and have shown positive results,should be promoted in other places.
Dr.P.George Kunju John
8 de diciembre de 2011

Dear All,
I am pleased to read the comments on my article Lick Block Technology. I would like to stress here that unless the lick block is produced with a good feed technology it will get defeated. In the past Molasses blocks were prepared with village technologies just to make a hard block. The characters of palatability, lickability, hygroscopy, homogeninty etc are not looked into. Just like compounded feed lick blocks should be produced in well designed plants with stringent quality control. I have developed technology and could be able to transfer to those who are interested. Please write to me pgkjohn@gmail.com

Mike Addy
16 de marzo de 2021
It was recognized that when animals are offered a low-nitrogen, high fiber roughage such as rice straw (RS), one of the critical nutrients is fermentable nitrogen (N) available to rumen microbes (ARC, 1984). The use of urea/molasses blocks is a convenient way for avoiding excessive intake of urea, and will ensure an almost continuous supply of ammonia-N (PJG Kunju & Leng 1981; Preston, 1986).
Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan
13 de marzo de 2019

Lick block technology is at least 40 years old in the subcontinent, however, adoption by livestock farmers had been slow therefore creating awareness about it among farmers is really appreciated.

S Jathan
12 de marzo de 2019
Dear Sir, How procure lick blocks from your facilities for sheep
Gagan deep sobti
Sobti industries
22 de diciembre de 2018
Please send us details for molasesm lick making machine details we are interested to install . Sobtigagan@gmail.com
Jitendra Prasad
18 de mayo de 2015
Hi: I am from Chennai, India. I am looking at buying some salt licks for my cattle farm. Can you please let me know where I can buy the salt licks.
Alemayehu Assaye
16 de septiembre de 2014
I want to buy a mineral Lick Block making machine. Can you advise me a good product from India ,Korea or Spain? Not from China Best Regards, my email is is: reflex_2008@yahoo.com
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