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Pellet-Press Knife in the Feed Pellet Quality

Pellet-Press Knife Condition and its Influence on the Feed Pellet Quality

Published: October 25, 2010
Introduction During the feed pelleting process conditioned feed mash is passing through the pellet press die where animal feed pellets are formed by rheological properties of the mash and different mechanical forces applied on that mash. Different sized animals eat different sized feed, therefore cutting, thus uniformity of feed pellets is essential procedure for feed producers. In the end of...
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Dejan Miladinovic
Fôrtek- Norwegian University of Life Science
Luis Martinez Rocha
Luis Martinez Rocha
25 de octubre de 2010

had you published this document about Feed Pellet Quality in oher place? then, Should you send me the reference?

26 de octubre de 2010

Normally we use knifes for making pellet feeds and in my view knifes should be sharp enough to provide you required size of pellets if you are not going to crumble it after die. So its applicable if we have to make crumbs feed and for that I think we can use either worn or sharp knives or pusher as well.
What do you suggest for 8mm pellets if not going to be crumbled after ?

Dr Jaydip Mulik
26 de octubre de 2010

Dear Sir,

Your case study is excellent and will definitely helpfull to Pellet feed Manufactureres

to restucture their knives as per their inputs or to replace knives by Pushers if maize

based diet to achieve the better PDI[percent].

Thanks & regards,

Dr Jaydip Mulik

Arshaq Ramzee
26 de octubre de 2010

Every step during the manufacturing of feed pelleting is important and Author conducted a research on one of the steps during the pelleting process, cutting. This is a very well conducted research but still there is more scope with different formulation and length of pellet in different weather conditions. I commend the author for the quality research and also would like to encourage him to expand the scope of his research.

Dejan Miladinovic
Fôrtek- Norwegian University of Life Science
26 de octubre de 2010

This article was published two years ago in FeedTech (AllAboutFeed) and last year in AFMA MATRIX. If somebody wants the references I would be more then happy to send it over.
You have just to tell me in what reference are you interested and I will send you the one. Since this research was done with pusher 10 and 20 mm from the die surface, all pellets were as uniform as pellets cut with the sharp knife. Differences in length were +/- 2mm for 10mm pellet lenght and for 20mm pellet length a bit more.
Here Im giving the point as well: Why do we have to have absolutely uniformed pellets? Is that the chicken that doesnt like non-uniformed pellets or +/- 2mm make a big nutritional difference?!
I agree with Mr. Arshaq Ramzee that the scope of this research could of been expanded by different weather conditions.

Wende Maulaga
Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory
1 de noviembre de 2010
Nice article! I would like to have that reference for more information, also if possible to get more infomation on feed pelleting. In our country making pellets is still a new technology and many feed manuctures/farmers are not involved. If possible, could you assist me with more information on the technical practice interms of machinery used and costings over the practice.
17 de abril de 2018
Wende Maulaga : All info on Feed Pelleting is on the Web ! The way the question is set looks for a simple short cut ! Pelleting is both science and art ! One has to endure going through!
Dejan Miladinovic
Fôrtek- Norwegian University of Life Science
1 de noviembre de 2010


Thomas et al. (1997). Physical quality of pelleted animal feed - Contribution of processes and its conditions. Animal Feed Science Technology 64 (1997) 173-192

Hussar, N., and Robblee, A. R.,(1962). Effect of pelleting on the utilization of feeds by growing chicken. Poultry Sci. 41:1489–1493.

Li, Y., et al.(2000), Measurement and statistics of single pellet mechanical strength of differently shaped catalysts”, Powder Technology. 113, 176-184.

Payne, J.D., et al. (1994), “The Pelleting Handbook”, Borregaard Lignotech. pp. 72.

3 de noviembre de 2010

A clear articles which gives practical idea about the sharp and worn out pellet knife and its effect on pellet quality. Thanks.

24 de noviembre de 2011


do you have some experience about cost of pellet mill production? I have high energy cost, how to optimize flow production?

Dejan Miladinovic
Fôrtek- Norwegian University of Life Science
24 de noviembre de 2011

Jordache, Please can you explain me better what do you mean by cost of pellet milk production? The production of the machinery or pelleting process itself?

25 de noviembre de 2011

the pellet process inself. Maybe a have a long flow of transport pellet.

Dejan Miladinovic
Fôrtek- Norwegian University of Life Science
25 de noviembre de 2011
I would need more information about your system and the transport lines!
30 de noviembre de 2011

Dear Miladinovici,
i 've been late to send to you details about my transport lines. I have 5 elevators that transport pellets into bin(silo). i have 7.5kwh*5 elevators, at least 37.50 kwh electric energy. And also an vertical cooler under pellet mill, that have also 15kwh. i try to modify transport line to have low cost.

And another problem is that my broken mill fooder( broiler starter, that i broken in smaching, have too much particle (floury appearance 35%), and i have to repelletized mill/feed. Do you now something about smashing feed technology?

Dejan Miladinovic
Fôrtek- Norwegian University of Life Science
30 de noviembre de 2011
Jordache, be sure that all the transport lines are working with its 80% of total power max. Their engines should work upon optimal amperage. Broken pellets is a bit more complicated area. Its multifactorial approach is necessary. The first thing you should look upon is the steam quality and fat content. Next thing should be the roller-die gap settings. I hope that this has answered at least some of your questions.
13 de marzo de 2012

hello, please help me to solve a big problem that i have at my factory pellet mill. in process of pelleting mill, at the inventory, rezult that are a lots lack of inventory. i dont have p[rocedures that specifing technological losses. i supose that are loss of moisture at the grinding grain process, cooling pellets, are losses at the grain transport and pellet transport. please help me if you have materials that establish procedures and studying the pellet mill process.

Thanks and regards!!!!
i want to specify that this damage is not due to theft, because the factory is equipped with cameras surveillance.

please help me to discover process problems.


Dejan Miladinovic
Fôrtek- Norwegian University of Life Science
19 de marzo de 2012

Dear Jordache, all the established feed producers within the EU must have the HACCP and GMP certified procedures. Certainly, all the companies should shape their procedures according to their own production and menagerial systems. As I can see your issue, the procedures must be established within the cooling systems (air speed control and air temperature) and as you have mentioned transport systems within the production conveying).

Enrique Diaz
Anderson International Corp
24 de abril de 2012


As a normal rule to follow based on the Good Practice of Manufacturing the lenght of any pellet could be about twice the geometric diameter, in other words, if we are processing poultry feed having 4 mm by using a 5/32" perforation pellet die the lenght of that particular pellet feed would be 8 mm, largest pellets will produce more fines and dust due to the fracture of the pellets into the system.

Knife blade condition and sharpening are also an important aspects to produce good quality pellets.

Thank you.
Enrique Diaz, P.E.
Sales/Service Process Engineer.
R&D Equipment Company
Fort Worth, TX

17 de abril de 2018

Yes, pelleting is an art to be learned; knowledge to be acquired with practice! But I wish to get further info on how to avoid ring die blockage with my 4mm die! I am making rabbit pellets! Thanks. Dr. Swai / Tanzania.

V. Sivakumar
Suguna Group
Suguna Group
12 de julio de 2019

Dear Sir, we are experiencing a different problem, in our 60TPH pellet Mill, while running with fibrous formulation the pellets 50% pellets escape from cutting, pellets fall before reaching knife. The machine has 3 knifes.
Any solutions, Sir? 

David Parker
22 de julio de 2019
V. Sivakumar i can sort this pellet mill but i would have to view it working first
Feed Technologies
Feed Technologies
23 de julio de 2019
Dear V. Sivakumar, if pellet falling before reaching knife then your pellet's PDI would also be a concern. Yes I understand 60tph pellet production is very high and cutting would be a challenge. Try adjusting your knifes
V. Sivakumar
Suguna Group
Suguna Group
2 de agosto de 2019
Feed Technologies thanks for reply. PDI is 90 , what should be the best distance between press roll end knife position,
Elmehdi Elouahli
1 de agosto de 2022
V. Sivakumar HI Sivakumar,with fibrous diet and 50% of the pellets escaping from cutting, and pellets falling before reaching the minimum setting of the pellet press 3 knifes , this gives an indication that pelleted material is not getting enough time to be compressed meaning that the Dwell time in die holes is very short for this formula which means that your die hole configuration is small hence you require to communicate with your pellet press manufacturer about the appropriate die for this typical formula.
Giuseppe Bigliani
Feed Technology Solutions
Feed Technology Solutions
22 de julio de 2019
Good day dear V. Sivakumar, It is not easy to give you the solution without enough information about the problem or details about your pellet mill, die specifications, etc. etc.. I believe several years ago I visited your plant and made a report regarding several opportunity areas I found. I also presented a proposal for consulting services to improve the efficiency of all the feed manufacturing processes and the overall results of the feed milling operation. Please feel free to contact me with all your specific questions. Giuseppe Bigliani Feed Technology Solutions feedtecsol@gmail.com
V. Sivakumar
Suguna Group
Suguna Group
2 de agosto de 2019
Giuseppe R. Bigliani Thanks for the reply sir, Machine is PM 1219 die is 3x45/70 , can you plz confirm correct knife distance from press roll end position.
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