Improved Performance of Pellet Mills Utilizing DDC Preconditioners
Published:September 12, 2006
Introduction The advantages of feeding a pelleted feed over mash have been documented in theindustry for many years. The advantages include the following: Increased bulk density Less bridging/hang-up in bins Less dust Reduced ingredient segregation Less feed waste Increased nutrient density Improved palatability Increased nutrient availability Decreased microbiological activ...
Dear Sir,
This is an useful information. Would appreciate if you could assist where can i find any reading or informations redarding DDC paddle adjustment. At what angle in each section of the DDC (front, middle, and back) in order to increase the retention time. Our current pelletmill is running at 30 secs and we are looking forward for 2 minutes retention time in order to improve the gelatinazition.
Can I use speed invertor to control the rpm of the DDC in order to lenghten the retention time?
Appreciate if you could assist.
Thanks and regards,
Deputy Plant Manager
Vasuki Ramasamy....I suggest you visit and check your DDC, say if you have total of 20 paddles, Then the 1st 5 paddles you can set it at 5 degrees angle forward then next 10 paddles you can set it at 0 degrees (just beating) at the same time this location is the same location wherein you are injecting steam, this will help to maximize gelatinization of your meal. Then last 5 paddles will be 10 degrees angle forward, so that it will make more faster and you will not choke up during process(This is normally at the inlet position). This will help to push materials and sending it at the middle of DDC. I hope it will help.
hello, please help me to solve a big problem that i have at my factory pellet mill. in process of pelleting mill, at the inventory, rezult that are a lots lack of inventory. i dont have p[rocedures that specifing technological losses. i supose that are loss of moisture at the grinding grain process, cooling pellets, are losses at the grain transport and pellet transport. please help me if you have materials that establish procedures and studying the pellet mill process.
Thanks and regards!!!!
Jordache good morning because I have the same problem, I will transfer my opinion to you,at my own factory we noticed that the weigh-in is missing and we have uncooked,and after we corrected this, we lost about 1% of various will be a good idea to get your factory maker to improve your opium.
i want to specify that this damage is not due to theft, because the factory is equipped with cameras surveillance.
please help me to discover process problems.
DDC IS new concept of preconditioning which gives additional features of moisture, weight and retention control through automatic load cells, moisture sensors and invertor speed control. other features like temperature, mixing and pellet mill amperage control are also available in conventional conditioners.
this is what I understand
any comment, video or explanation from author/ supplier or any user is highly appreciated for our knowledge.
Hi, does anyone know why my pellet mill runs so erratically? it runs fine but then every 20 seconds the amps go right up and nearly stalls. I cannot get it to stay at a constant level.
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